Dear Editor;
You described a sorry state of financial affairs and sad situation at the International Sikh Secretariat in Washington, DC, in your paper of September 24, 1993, issue. You also mentioned that we need a strong Sikh lobby to inform media and US government about the state of affairs of our Sikh homeland. We all know that there is Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh doing such a work of lobbying Sikh cause with the US government and the US congress. He has been doing this work for the past many years. Dr. Aulakh has made a significant contribution in this matter and every one familiar with the Sikh struggle here in the US or abroad is well aware of his efforts,
Majority of us believe that the purchase of WSO building in Washington DC by few dedicated Sikhs was an act to counter Dr. Aulakh’s effort. We know that Dr. Aulakh has committed himself to the Sikh and Khalistan cause We believe that the WSO is also com mitted to the same cause, and if this is true, then there is no need to have two bodies at two different locations, in the same town, per forming the same task. Why must we waste our meager resources in duplicating our work? Why must we work against each other? It is long overdue that we must learn from our own experience of working against each other and hurting the very cause we want 10 serve, We must set aside our vested interest, self-serving ego and personality differences, and we must dedicate our efforts to the higher cause of serving the Sikh Nation, S.Lachman Singh Aujla may be a highly dedicated and devoted Sikh worker at the age of 79, however, he may not be fully aware and familiar with the US government and its system. We must get our act and thought together and immediately cease wasting our valuable resources human and financial on duplicating efforts, we must work together for the common cause, WSO has been in existence since 1984, and we have yet to see a meaningful contribution from this organization. WSO Dinner Big Disappointment article in your paper (page 13 September 24, 1993, is sue) is a testimony to WSO’s up to date activities, accomplishments and achievements, I believe that we do not need two organizations in Washington DC the US capital to work for the same cause I suggest that we must merge them and work jointly for the common cause, Ram R.P.Singh Boca Raton, FL.
Article extracted from this publication >> October 22, 1993