A controversy regarding the wearing of Turbans by the Sikhs in the Canadian Anny and Legions is going on. Lack of understanding of Sikh religion and its followers and to some extent racial prejudice seem to be fanning this controversy. Sikh tenets among other does and don’ts prohibit cutting or shearing of body hair. To keep and maintain hair of the head in shape males tic the same in a knot above the head and for further un keep tie a turban. For a Sikh turban is a must religiously as well as of necessity In the discussions going on in and outside the Legion one fails to hear the voice of those Canadian Soldiers who fought in World War II alongside the turbaned Sikh soldiers of the British Indian Army. I am one of the hundreds of thousands of turbaned Sikh soldiers who fought in World War II alongside the British Canadian and other Allied Nations soldiers.
lam proud to narrate that I took part in the fighting against the Japanese in Hong Kong as an NCO in Hong Kong Singapore Royal Ancillary. Even to this day I remember how we the members of the garrison there welcomed the landing of two Canadian Infantry Banal ions in Hong Kong just before the outbreak of hostilities on Dec.8,1941. We fought shoulder to shoulder with the Canadians and together suffered as Japanese prisoners of war till separated I hope a large number out of those nearly two thousand Canadian soldiers must still be alive and hale and hearty They and such other members of the Legion who fought alongside the turbaned Sikhs in and outside the Legions These notions smack of racial hatred of colonial days.
According to Encyclopedia Americana the Sikhs are efficient farmers and successful businessmen. They believe in equality of human beings dignity of labor personal conduct above ritual and equality of women Their main devotion is service to ones family to Sikhism to mankind and finally to God. In Sikhism mysticism is wedded to worldly ethics and ideal man is a saint-warrior. The Sikhs have supplied some of the world’s best soldiers.
It need be mentioned that Sikh soldiers of the British Indian Army earned the largest number of Victoria Cross medals in World War I and World War II for acts of exceptional bravery. As regards half a century old man-made mules of the Legion these require already overdue amendments according to needs of the time and social changes.
Ranjit Singh Takhar Brampton Ont. Canada
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