ANANDPUR SAHIB, Punjab: S, Gurcharan Singh Tohra tendered his resignation from Presidentship of Shiromani Gurdwara Parban dhak Committee, He handed over his resignation to S. Sujit Singh Barnala who is both the Chief Minister of Punjab and President of Akali Dal, Political analysts consider his resignation as a victory for the A.I.S.S.F. and Damdami Taksal and they also feel that the Barnala Balwant Singh combine has sacrificed Tohra to appease AISS.F. and Damdami Taksal..
More than 50,000 Sikhs attended the Sarbat Khalsa meeting at ‘Anandpur. The meeting was called by the Akali Dalto counter the decision of the January 26 Sarbat Khalsa called by AISS.F. and Damdami Taksal.
The crowd attending the official Sarbat Khalsa meeting was collecting through putting all the State machinery into operation. Deputy Commissioners and senior police officers were directed to moblize people for the meeting. State transport buses and private trucks ‘were requisitioned to take people to Anandpur Sahib.
The meeting reinstated ousted Akal Takht Jathedar Kirpal Singh and Golden Temple Head Granthi, Giani Sahib Singh and called upon the Government to take peaceful steps to get the Golden Temple vacated from the possession of Damdami Taksal and A.I.S.S.F. However, former Alkali’ Chief Minister S. Parkash Singh Badal warned that forcible eviction of AISSF. and Damdami Taksal from the Golden Temple through army or paramilitary forces Would result in the death of the Alkali Dal. He advised the authorities to settle the issue through good Will and affection. Pointing to Sunjit Singh Bamala, he said that their confidence in the sincerity of the Central Government was misplaced, “The Central Government would not easily give justice to Punjab”, he said. He also accused Bamala of sleeping over the important issue of the release of the Sikh youth and rehabilitation of the army deserters, He warned that the authority of S.G.P.C should in no way be undermined, He also criticized the betrayal on the issue of the transfer of Chandigarh to Punjab by the Central Government.
Article extracted from this publication >> February 21, 1986