Dear Prime Minister Mulrroney,

Congratulations! It is indeed a brave and courageous stand that you have taken in Harare when you told them that Canada will not shy away from tying foreign aid policy to recipient countries human rights records. These are the type of statements that Canadians want to hear. It has been Jong time since we have been able to hold our heads high. Canadians all believe in equality and justice. We need to hear sentiments echoed in sound and sane policy statements.

Our question to you of course is, will the same policy stance be taken towards the greatest abuser of human rights, India? We certainly hope that you are not limiting yourself to African countries when you condemn their human rights record. Flora MacDonald of the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiatives warning us that the Commonwealth “has too often turned a blind eye to abuses of human rights in member countries, There are few initiatives for the promotion of human rights in member countries. No machinery exists to receive and address complaints about abuse.” It is concluded that the Common wealth record on rights is indeed poor and demands attention, Once again, congratulations and best wishes!

 Gian Singh Sandhu

International President

 World Sikh Organization.

Article extracted from this publication >> November 1, 1991