Delhi was all bedecked like a “bride” when her “Prince Charming” arrived from the Soviet Union. Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev arrived in India on Tuesday along with his Foreign Minister, and : full entourage of diplomats, technocrat’s and bureaucrats and was described as the “Prince of Peace” by Rajiv Gandhi while presenting welcome address at the airport. Interestingly India is the first country outside the communist block that Gorbachev is officially visiting after assuming leadership nearly sixteen months ago. Soviet are known for their impeccable diplomacy. They tread with utmost caution and specialize in preserving their gains. So subtle is their technique that they create least ripples when fishing in placid waters.

Soviets know that as long as India’s threat perceptions remain What they are today, there can be no defence understanding between India and the U.S. Gorbachev, therefore, would aim at developing a threat syndrome so as to strengthen his military and economic hold over India. Already India has been reduced to total dependence upon the Soviet Union for its defense equipment and military needs. Gorbachev must also be keen to probe into the select military high tech that Indian will shortly be receiving from the united States. He knows that his reconciliatory gestures to China cannot be very comforting to India, especially in the context of the indifferent Soviet role during the 1962 Indo China war and he would like to profitably employ these gestures to make India submit to its will.

In Soviet reckoning, Rajiv has not been very discreet in endorsing Mr. Jayewardene’s proposals that cut at the very root of the Soviet backed leftist movement for the embedment of Sri Lanka. British bases in Sri Lanka are a major irritant to the Soviets. They want parallel bases and they can have them only if Tamils succeed in establishing a separate state for themselves. Rajiv not only approved the proposals but also launched a police action against the Tamil Guerrillas in Madras when the latter rejected the proposals. The Police action can prove to be a crippling blow to the morale of the ‘Tamils and can make them accept the proposals resulting in a terrible ‘setback to the Soviet designs in Sri Lanka. Undoubtedly, resolving of the Tamil problem will somewhat ease Rajiv from unnecessary pressures that keep him bogged down and reduce him to a nonperforming upstart. Soviets, however, stand to profit only of confusion and easing of pressures is not in their interest.

Improved Indo Pak relations also do not serve Soviet interests. Gorbachey, therefore, will do his utmost to further vitiate the relations between the two neighbours, especially in view of Pakistan’s close friendship with the U.S, Soviets know that improvement in Indo Pak relations will inevitally lead India closer to the United States resulting in Soviet isolation in Afghanistan as well as in most of the third world countries. Soviet stakes are 100 high to allow such a scenario to develop into reality.

Delhi’s allergy to resolving the Punjab crisis can also be traced to the Soviet mechanisation, Sikh insurgency suits them as it helps to further vitiate Indo Pak relations, Settlement of Sikh problem can also make Soviets irrelevant in India. Surely it is no coincidence that ‘Communists in India do not favour settlement of the Sikh issues.

During his four days in India, Gorbachey will bait India with economic and military aid and in the process inject such vicious virus in its body politic as to push it deeper into the malaise of communal hatred and strife. Soviets consider Islam and Sikhism as two powerful factors that can jeopardize their expansionist plans in the An Indian subcontinent. They are bent upon destroying both. For they know that idol worshipping Hindus would accept any god” be it a ‘Stone or a bronze image, or be it a Big Brother called communism,

Article extracted from this publication >> November 28, 1986