NEW DELHI(PTI): In Delhi, think before you talk to a policeman, as any “deviation” from manners in addressing him might land you in the court and you may have to apologize for your “derogatory” language.

This is what happened to Shiv Kumar, an auto rickshaw driver, here who addressed a cop as “Chacha” (patemal uncle) when the latter objected to his being without uniform and parking his vehicle in a no parking area.

Metropolitan magistrate C.K.Chaturyedi, who decided the Challan case against the erring driver recently, said a police official should be addressed as sir, or its Hindi equivalent, Shrimanji, “consistent with Indian social and cultural values in addressing elders or Superiors.”

The magistrate ordered Shiv Kumar to submit in writing an apology for his “wrong, insulting and derogatory” addresses,

Chaturvedi, however, said the apology would be without prejudice to Shiv Kumar’s right of action for assaull, as he had alleged that the cop slapped him on being called “Chacha.”

 The court said expressions like Chacha, Mama (matemal uncle), Thulla (slang), ete, often used by irresponsible public against police cops in uniform, were of insult rather than respect.

Article extracted from this publication >>  September 10, 1993