By: Dr. Harjinder Singh Dilgeer Norway
The war is not yet over
The war has never been over They say
The first war lasted till 1919 They say;
The second war was over in 1945 But they have buried
The real history
In the Time Capsule
The History of the war
Of 20 years (191939)
Lies buried in the skies
The files of post 45 days
Are missing from their Achieves But I have penned down
the Uncensored
Story of war from 1914 to 1986 And:
Hitler is still alive
Stalin is not yet dead
Mussolini is not yet tired
Days of tyranny are not yet over Gaddafi and Khomeini Rajiv and Gorbachev
“Old wine in new bottles”
Jews are replaced by Sikhs Opponents of Russian tyranny Advocates of Human Rights Have the same Fate
That Wallenberg met in Hungary T have seen the Capsule
& have seen the forbidden
The history scorns the censure Yes, dear Moses!
Yes, dear Wallenburg.””
The war is not yet over
The neo Nazis are playing Solidarity is banned
The labour is being crushed Expansionist Russia still calls itself Socialist
The Black laws of India
And India calls for sanctions Against South Africa
They talk of Vietnam
but this
Afghanistan, Poland, Hungary Chekoslovakia, Bulgaria
Nazi President of Austria
Yes my dear,
Yes my dear
The war is not yet over,
The war has never been over
Article extracted from this publication >> July 14, 1989