Master of earth and heaven is the Tenth Master

Master of body Master of heart Master of mind Master of soul is the Tenth Master

Master of Gods

Master of goddesses

Master of the Natural

Master of the super-natural is the Tenth Master

Torch-bearer of Love Torch-bearer of Liberty

Torch-bearer of Equality.

 Torch-bearer of Fraternity is the Tenth Master.

Exemplar of self-sacrifice Exemplar of spirituality-spirited Exemplar of spirits highest Exemplar of brotherhood-beautiful is the Tenth Master.

Lover of Life

Lover of death Lover of Nature Lover of humanity is the Tenth Master.

Master of the Master-key of the Tenth door-

The door subtly and solidly closed

Sence long

The door which opens into the Realm of

Truth Beauty and Goodness is none else but My beloved Tenth Master!

Article extracted from this publication >> January 21, 1994