Polarization in India and Indian Politics is more toxic today that it has been in decades, and it shows no signs of abating as India is Shaping lip for Next general elections in Early Next year 2024. Since the late nineteenth century, the primary source of political and Societal polarization in India has been a fundamental question of nation hood. Should India be a secular country. or a Hindu Rashtra [Hindu Nation], given that roughly 80 percent at the population is Hindu. Although the political hegemony the secular, pluralist Congress Party tempered polarization over this issue untill the 1970’s, the rising prominence of Hindu. nationalist organizations in recent decades has sharply increased tensions. Divisive political leadership-coupled with India’s economic trans formation, changes in the media landscape, and the rise of competitive caste politics has steadily brought polarization to a boil Since the landslide electoral victories of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in 2014 and 2019, the Consequences of severe polarization have grown ever more worrisome. Partisan attacks on India’s independant pofitical institutions have intensified, opposition parties have become Extremely wary of defending pluralism and Secularism, and hatred and violence against minority Communities have flared up. The coronavirus pandemic has eased this polarization on the surface by engendering more unifying political leader ship yet at the Societal level the crisis has only amplified intolerance, particularly against India’s “Muslim minority community. Although various actors have launched efforts to Counter the Country’s majoritarian turn and improve civic dialogue.
The divide between secular and Hindu nationalist visions of national Identity forms the. Central axis of polarization in India Today. This is not to ignore polarization based on differences in Caste, class, language, or region, however these cleavages are more important at the Sub national level because no one group is able to predominate nationally. Polarization along these axes thus has never posed an existential threat to Indian democracy, with the exception of one major episode of “Emergency, 1975-1977, when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi suspended basic rights for twenty-one-months, a dark chapter in the India’s astounding democratic Journey. The Significance of other episodes of polarization not with standing, the divide over Hindu nationalism is seriously endangering liberal freedoms and pluralist democracy y in India Today. The state can only be Sovereign when it is in concordant its Constitutional norms af pluralism and secularism, Not by stretching the polarization narratives. Today Political Scene is based on loud slogans, political aggression and hyper nationalism which is clouding people’s vision and thinking. So it becomes difficult to distinguish the light of Sublime [ a person’s attitude or behaviour of unparalled excellence, a high degree of moral or spiritual purity or excellence;] truth from the glitz of falsehood. As institlition’s of the state are in a state of decay, even the religious domain fails to remain unaffected by the psychic poisoning. Presently Since Long Religion too has lost it’s loving kindness, and reduced to a catchy slogan for generating a in tune with person’s & self mindset politics Reduction of Religion to a mere religiosity a loud Sensation and Celebration of moral and intellectual dumbness. What made Person’s like Buddha a teacher’s of humanity and humankind was their ability to go deeper ints the rythm of life and death, body and Soul temporality and eternity and finite and infinite, radiating love and compassion, not loud Sensations and loud hollow slogans and narratives. Mainstreaming of Hollow narrative by State since last year or so in Punjab by orchestrating a designed strategy to weaken the meaningful Sikh political thought process which can create a Healthy political discourse. Central leadership of the ruling Elite has done a great deal to mainstream the hollow narrative a Banality of Hollowness and manifestating any troubling disruption as a offshoot of that hollow narrative. Another issile is the Constant exaggeration of the role and impact of Specific incidents or Specific indiviuals to create a narrative of far greater threat than what in reality is, creating larger than life imagery or images. The RSS and BJP have been following and bushing forware a narrative to polarizing and Sectarianism angle in Punjab and Co-opt the indiviual Sikh’s to adopt this polarizing angle to further boast this “Hindu Rashtra RSS narrative. The main plank of Sangh parivaar is promotion of Identity Politics a principle framework of their political mobilisation. RSS and BJP’s Hindutva narrative have a broad positive reflexive attitude towards the Hollow Separatist separatism Such Reflexive ness also encourages the of certain specific individality state indulgence in promotion of fake credentity. Some state has different set of norms Same State towards certain civil society groups and indiviuals who being targeted on State’s assumed assumptions. Punjab’s political space and political leadership especially Sikh political class and Akali leadership is in utter chaos, a chaotic churning and yielding space for transgressive Hollow politics of fake narrative revolving around and chasing, and giving voice through Identity politics and Communal polarization. This model of Identity politics and Communal polarization has been harvesting successfully with rich political dividends nationally over period of time; creating a sense of political destructive deception. This form of political deception is gaining tract in Empty political space a political vaccum. The Congress party leader Rahul Gandhi in his political speech in Cambridge university recently about learning listen in the 21st century pointed out that the politics of polarization has Compromised the institutions of democracy in India and looming fear of democracy decaying in India.