- India—A Nation—Annie ,•
- Epochs of Civilisation— Permathnath Bose, B.Sc.
- Epic India—C. • Vydia.
- Epochs of Indian History—Ancient India—R. C. Dutt.
- Ancient India—S. Krishnaswanzy Iyengar.
- The History of Aryan Rule in India—E. Have11.
- The Vicissitudes of Aryan Civilisation in India —M. Klink.
8.. History of Caste in India—S. V. Ketkar..
- Ancient History of the Deccan—G. Fouvean Dubreuil.
- Ancient India—Its Language and Religion— H. Oldenburg.
- A History of Civilisation in Ancient India, Vol. I.— C. Dutt..,:
- A History of Civilisation in Ancient India, Vol. II.— C. Dolt.
- The Census of India—M. Ka7nath.
- Corporate Life in Ancient India—R. Majumdar.
- The Message of Krishna—Ardershir Sorabji N. Wadia.
- Local Government in Ancient IndiaRadhakumud Mukerjee, M.A., Ph.D.
- Later Hindu Civilisation—R. Dutt.
- A Peep into the Early History of India—Sir R. G. Bhandarker.
- Civilisation of the Buddhist Age—R. Dutt.
- The Glories of Magadha—F. Samaddar.
- An Essay on Hinduism—S, Kelkar, M.A., Ph.D.
- Ayeen-i-Akbary—Translation by Francis Gladwin.
- A Forgotten Empire—Sewell.
- Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni-211ohammed Habib.
- Rise of the Maratha Power—Ranade,
- Shivaji and His Times—Jadunath Sarkar,
- A History of the Maratha People–
- 4, Kinvpid 84 D. B. Parasnis, Vol._ II & 111. Nayars of Malabar—F. Fawcett. .
- History of the Sikhs—Captain Cstnninghatn,
- Guru Govind—G. A. Natesan and Company. 31′, religion and Social Life.-111. G. Ranade.. Kautilya’s Arthasatra—R. Shyama Sastry.
- Satyartha Prakash—Dayananda Saraswati.
- Right of Temple Entry—P: Chidambaran B.A,,,,
- Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies—
Abbe Dubois edited by Henry K. Beauchamp II.
- The Future of Indian Politics—Annie Besant.
- Hinduism and the Modern World—K. M. Panniker.