1. India—A Nation—Annie ,•
  2. Epochs of Civilisation— Permathnath Bose, B.Sc.
  3. Epic India—C. Vydia.
  4. Epochs of Indian History—Ancient India—R. C. Dutt.
  5. Ancient India—S. Krishnaswanzy Iyengar.
  6. The History of Aryan Rule in India—E. Have11.
  7. The Vicissitudes of Aryan Civilisation in India —M. Klink.

8.. History of Caste in India—S. V. Ketkar..

  1. Ancient History of the Deccan—G. Fouvean Dubreuil.
  2. Ancient India—Its Language and Religion— H. Oldenburg.
  3. A History of Civilisation in Ancient India, Vol. I.— C. Dutt..,:
  4. A History of Civilisation in Ancient India, Vol. II.— C. Dolt.
  5. The Census of India—M. Ka7nath.
  6. Corporate Life in Ancient India—R. Majumdar.
  7. The Message of Krishna—Ardershir Sorabji N. Wadia.
  8. Local Government in Ancient India­Radhakumud Mukerjee, M.A., Ph.D.
  9. Later Hindu Civilisation—R. Dutt.
  10. A Peep into the Early History of India—Sir R. G. Bhandarker.
  11. Civilisation of the Buddhist Age—R. Dutt.
  12. The Glories of Magadha—F. Samaddar.
  13. An Essay on Hinduism—S, Kelkar, M.A., Ph.D.
  14. Ayeen-i-Akbary—Translation by Francis Gladwin.
  15. A Forgotten Empire—Sewell.
  16. Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni-211ohammed Habib.
  17. Rise of the Maratha Power—Ranade,
  18. Shivaji and His Times—Jadunath Sarkar,
  19. A History of the Maratha People–
  20. 4, Kinvpid 84 D. B. Parasnis, Vol._ II & 111. Nayars of Malabar—F. Fawcett. .
  21. History of the Sikhs—Captain Cstnninghatn,
  22. Guru Govind—G. A. Natesan and Company. 31′, religion and Social Life.-111. G. Ranade.. Kautilya’s Arthasatra—R. Shyama Sastry.
  23. Satyartha Prakash—Dayananda Saraswati.
  24. Right of Temple Entry—P: Chidambaran B.A,,,,
  25. Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies—

Abbe Dubois edited by Henry K. Beauchamp II.

  1. The Future of Indian Politics—Annie Besant.
  2. Hinduism and the Modern World—K. M. Panniker.