Friends of ours, Mr. Solarz? I do not know what you have been reading.
The fact of the mater is that there have been atrocities in the Punjab perpetrated on the people up there by the Indian government. In addition to that they are helping build MIG29 fighter planes in India in conjunction with the Soviet Union. They are building tanks with the Soviet Union in India. They are in bed with the Soviet Union up here Mr, Solarz. So when you say they are good friends of the United States, I think we should take that with a grain of salt, maybe with a whole box full of salt.
Mr. Chairman, let me just say very quickly that woman have been raped and mistreated in the Punjab. People have been tortured in the Punjab. Sikhs have been tortured in the Punjab. Sikhs have been tortured by the police authorities by the government authorities in India. So there is a reason for this amendment,
Let us read what this amendment says. It says that we are going to hold off that aid until the individuals Responsible for these incidents are brought to justice. ‘What is wrong with that?
It says we are going to hold off this aid until Amnesty International can go in to investigate these alleged atrocities and human rights violations. What is wrong with that?
And it says we will hold off until the economic blockade of Nepal is lifted: What is wrong with that?
T think this is a very well thought out amendment. I think it is a good amendment one that we should all embrace and support. I think we should set the record straight and I believe we have done a little bit of that just now. India is a very close friend of the Soviet Union, and they are friends of ours only when they need our money.
Mr. WALSH: Mr. Chairman I move to strike the requisite number of words.
(Mr. WALSH asked’ and was given permission to Revise and extend his remarks.)
Mr. WAESH. Mr. Chairman [rise today in support of the Herger amendment. Having lived as a Peace Corps volunteer in Nepal for 2 years, I feel a special need to join in the voices who call for India to end the blockade of Nepal.
I was an agricultural extension agent and got a chance to travel throughout Nepal and India. The former is tiny landlocked nation: The latter a world power. While I was in India visiting everywhere from Banares to Bombay from Silguiry to Srinagar. I grew to love and Respect the language and culture that makes India the ‘yeast and to us sometimes mysterious collection of people that it is.
In this case, though, there is no mystery. India is dead ‘wrong. Lask that the government stop the blockage that is hurting their neighbor. Nepal, because I love and Respect the Nepalese people and their culture too.
There are few things 1 would claim to know better than others in this House. But when it comes to that part ‘Of the world. I must tell you I know perhaps as well as anyone here the hardship the Nepalese are experiencing ‘because of this blockade.
‘Trucks carrying vital petroleum supplies are stopped at the border. The Nepalese are forced to use wood for basic fuel and as a result their tropical rain forest are for the first time threatened. The people of Nepal exist at the mercy of the Indian government, Schools are closed. Businesses are closed.
This is not only # regional issue. It is crucial to the rest ‘of the world that India lift the blockade and resume the free flow of goods, to keep harmony in that part of the ‘world and to show its good faith in dealing not only with Nepal, but with the United States as well.
The Treaty of Trade and Transit, which has expired after 29 years was of mutual benefit to these countries.
I hope the roadways will be opened again soon.
Support the mission of Amnesty International support the rights of the Nepalese to exist in harmony with a large powerful neighbor support the Herger amendment. ‘The CHAIRMAN pre tempore (MR. JACOBS), The Chair will announce that of the 8 hour agreement 2 whole minutes remain.
For what purpose does the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. Donald E. “Buz” Lukens) rise?
Mr. DONALD E. “BUZ” LUKENS: Mr. Chairman. I rise in support of the amendment.
The CHAIRMAN pro tempore: the gentlemen from Ohio is recognized for 2 minutes.
Mr. DONALD E. “BUZ” LUKENS: Mr. Chairman very briefly, I rise in strong support of the amendment offered by the gentleman from California (Mr. Herger).
There are enough real problems that have risen now and that have been addressed now in India to rise very real questions about their sincerity in solving their human rights problems. We know that a human rights situation does exist. If there is any way to get the attention of the Indian Government I think that is the quickest and most effective way.
Tam not comfortable voting against our friends from India and that government. They have made great strides in many directions, but they have refused to allow internationally recognized organizations in to investigate the serious allegations against them in the areas of their treatment of ethnic groups.
So rise in support of the efforts of the gentleman from California (Mr. Herger) to bring the attention of the world to this serious question, and I hope that the Members of this body will rise in support of the amendment also.
Andrews Applegate Archer Armey Baker Ballenger Barnard Bartlett Barton Bateman Bennett Bevill Blibray Biliraks Billey Browder Brown (CO) Bunning Burton Byron Callahan Campbell (CO) Chandler Clement Coble Coleman (MO) Combest Coughlin Cox Craig Crane Dannemeyer Darden Davis DeLay DeWine Dickinson Dornan (CA) Dreler Duncan Early Edwards (OK) Emerson English Erdreich Fawell Fazio Fields Flippo Ford (MD) Gallegly |
Gaydos Gekas Glimor Glingrich Goodling Goss Gradison Grandy Grant Hall (TX) Hammerschmidt Hancock Hansen Harris Hastert Hatcher Hayes (LA) Hefley Hefner Henry Herger Hiler Holloway Hopkins Houghton Hubbard Huckaby Hunter Hutto Hyde Inhofe Ireland Jacobs James Johnson (SD) Jones (GA) Jontz Kasich Kolbe Kyl Lagomarsino Lancaster Laughlin Leath (TX) Lehman (CA) Lewis (FL) Lightfoot Livingston Llyod Lukens Donald Machtley |
Madigan Marlenee Martin (IL) Martin (NY) McCandless McCollum McCrey McDade McEwen McGrath MeMillan (NC) McNulty Miller (OH) Molinari Mollohan Montgomery Moorhead “Murphy Myers Natcher Neal (NC) Nelson Nielson Oxley Packard Parker Parris Pashayan Patterson Paxon Perkins Pickle Price Pursell Ravenel Ray Rhodes, Ritter Roberts Robinson Roe Rogers Roth Roukema Rowland (CT) Rowland (GA) Russo Sarpalius Saxton Schaefer Schneider |
Schroeder Schuette Schulze: Sensebrenner Shaw Shays Shumway Shuster Stisky Skeen Slaughter (VA) Smith (MS) Smith (NE) Smith (TX) Smith Denny (O.R.) Smith Robert (N.H.) Smith Robert (O.R:) Snowe Solomon’ Spence Staggers Stallings Stallings Stangeland Stearns Stenholm Stump Sundquist Tallon Tanner Tauke Tauzin Thomas (CA) Thomas (GA) Thomas (WY) Traficant Traxler Upton Valentine Vander Jagt Vucanovich Walker Walsh Watkins Weber Weldon Whittaker Whitten Williams Wolf Wylie Young (FL) |
Ackerman Akaka Alexander Anderson Annunzio Anthony |
Atkins AuCoin Bates Beilenso1 Bereuter Berman. Boehlert |
Boges Bonior Borski Bosco Boucher Boxer Bronnan |
Brooks Broomfield Brown (CA) Bruce Buechner Bustamente Campbell |
Cardin Carper Carr Clarke Clay Clinger Coleman (TX) |
Conte Conyers Cooper Costello ‘Coyne Crockett dela Garza |
DeFazio Dellums: Derrick Dicks Dingell Dixon
Donnelly Dorgan (ND) Downey Durbin, Dwyer Dyson |
List Of Congressmen-Nays
Eckart Edwards (CA) Engel Espy Evans Fascell Feighan. Fish Flake Foglietta Ford (TN) Frank Frost Gallo Gejdenson Gephardt Gibbons Gilman Glickman Gonzalez Gordon Gray Green Guarini Gunderson Hall (0.H) Hamilton Hayes (IL) Hertel Hoagland Hochbrueckner Hoyer. Hughes, Jenkins Johnson (CT) Johnston. Jones (NC) Kenjorski Kaptur Kastenmeier Kennedy Kennelly Kildee Kleczka Kolter Kostmayer LaFalce Lantos Leach (1A), Lehman (FL) Leland Lent |
Levin (MI) Levine (CA) Lewis (CA) Lewis (GA) Lipinski Long Lowery (CA) Lowey (N.Y) Lukens, Thomas Manton Markey Martinez Matsui Mavroules Mazzoli McCloskey, McCurdy McHugh MeMilien (MD) Meyers Mfume Michel Miller (CA) Miller (WA) Mineta Moakley Moody, Moricla. Morrison (CT) Morrison (WA), Mrazek Murtha Nagle Neal (MA) Nowak Oakar Oberstar Obey Olin Ortiz Owens (NY) Owens (UT) Pallone Panetta Payne (NJ) Payne (VA) Pease Pelose Penny Petri Pickett Porter Poshard Quillen |
Rahall Rangel Regula Richardson Ridge Rinaldo Rohrabacher Rose Rostenkowski Roybal Sabo Saiki Sangmeister Savage Sawyer Scheuer Schiff Schumer Sharp Sikorski Skages Skelton Slattery Slaughter (NY) Smith (FL) Smith (NJ) Smith (VT) Solarz Spratt Stark Stokes Studds Swift Synar Torres Torricelli Towns Udall Unsoeld Vento Visclosky Volkmer Walgren Waxman Weiss Wheat Wise Wolpe Wyden Yates Yatron |
Bentley Bryant Chapman Collins Courter Duglas Dymally Florio |
Garcia Hawkins Horton McDermott Smith (CA) Wilson Wright Young (A.K.) |
Article extracted from this publication >> July 7, 1989