What is the future of the Sikh Nation, given the present scenario? Why have the Sikh people ended up in this situation, and what is the purpose of the Indian government in forcing them into the present state of affairs? The Sikh nation has a long history of resistance to despotic regimes. Is the government attempting to finally crush this dominant character of the Sikh Panth?

The Indian government in its cocksure contempt of world exposure boldly continues the abuse of Human Rights of its citizens. Amnesty International has cited India repeatedly for the gross offenses perpetrated on its innocent victims. What is the time worn response of the Indian government and its slavish cronies like the U.S. State Department?

The thread bare denial that these abuses even exist is the favorite. If this is any problem, India will inform you, it is caused by the fabled land called Pakistan, and of course with the help of those ten or twenty hard core terrorists. The Indian Government will do its best to assure the world that the Sikh people are very satisfied with their lot in India. The only problem is with the malevolent few who find their pleasure in terrorizing a peaceful state.

What is the Sikh reaction to this worthless propaganda? Most Sikhs know of the persecution in Punjab, having experienced it, or hearing from their families. There are some bootlickers who, because of their desire to maintain the status, quo, will hurry to the defense of the Indian government, and assert that the Sikhs have asked for this subjugation by their continued opposition, the reaction of the bulk of well-informed Sikhs however, is to point out their victimization.

It is a fact that the Sikh nation is under siege by a majority that rule India. This majority is one that is becoming increasingly resentful of the presence of minority groups. The Sikhs have been under attack since the beginning of Sikh history. The glory that has set the Sikh nation apart has been the nature of their resistance. There is no doubt that many groups have suffered persecution, however the Sikh nation stands out for actively resisting oppression.

The problem with the Western press is that they are willing to allow a degree of sympathy for the victimized people, but they have no sympathy for those who would resist persecution. That is naturally conditional on the nation being an ally or a communist country. The U.S.S press was very eager to cover the resistance of the freedom fighters of Afghanistan, who were known to use terrorism against the occupying Soviet army. Yet the Sikh people who are being persecuted in a merciless manner, if they even raise a slogan, they are condemned as terrorists. The message to the Sikh nation is that it must not resist. Better to be the victims who are unable to stage a resistance. Then perhaps the world will see the plight of the Sikh nation when it is already destroyed. The Sikh people are not willing to see that happen.

The Indian government has developed a special strategy for dealing with the Sikhs. In its manipulations of the Sikh people, the government would like to disempower the Sikhs. Our position will determine the future outcome. The history of the Sikh nation has been that of a persecuted group who dared to resist against hopeless odds, and were successful. India would like to kill that spirit of resistance by media bombardment of the Sikh image as that of a terrorist, they feel that we will counter this with a victim image, The image of a terrorist, or of a victim, unable to stage resistance, will be equally fatal, attacking our capacity to endure as a Nation.

Our concern for the future is survival. Not simple survival, but survival as a people with dignity. Satnam K. Khalsa 600 East Main Street Mount Horeb WI 53572 608-437-4555

Article extracted from this publication >> January 12, 1990