India today is a racialist and fascist state. All norms of rule flaw and international law have cased to have any meaning for he minorities of India. All minorities and territorial groups including the original inhabitants of this subcontinent are engaged in a struggle for survival. Unless the international community intervenes, Hitler’s “final solution” is in the offing. The Shiromani Akali Dal is determined to contest this tide of fundamentalism and communalism in the country.
The Shiromani Akal Dal takes a serious view of the illegal construction taking place at Ayodhya and attempts being made by the Hindu fundamentalists to tear down the historic Babri Masjid. The Shiromani Akali Dal has reportedly pointed out that according to article 49 of the constitution of India all religious, cultural and historic sites are to be protected by the state. Moreover India is a signatory to the Geneva Convention of 1949 and the Diplomatic Conference on the Reaffirmation and development of International Humanitarian law which forbids, “Hostile acts against historic monuments, works of art or places of worship.” By virtue of article 51 of its own constitution, India is bound to honor the above commitment.
In the light of these constitutional and provisions of international law, the Shiromani Akal Dal is surprised to find that the Indian Legislature, the Indian Executive and the Indian Judiciary stands paralyzed an benumbed. Since the Indian state attacked and vandalized the Golden Temple in 1984, our party finds that holy shrines of other minorities have been brought under a systematic attack.
In a racialist Judgement, the Supreme Court of India condemned Bhai Harjinder Singh and Bhai Sukhdev Singh to death, This Judgement violates article 14 which guarantees equality before law and article 21 which guarantees that no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to the procedure established by law. The provisions of TADA under which the two accused have been awarded capital punishment violates all norms and procedures of criminal jurisprudence as :(a) the trial was held in camera, (b) they have been denied access to the High Court and (c) confessional statements made to a police officer which are not admissible in any court vide section 25 of the Evidence Act are accepted under this draconian law. Apart from this act of the judiciary, the Sikh nation is at the receiving end of the army and police in the Punjab, Incidents at Behla (Amritsar) and Dhulkote (Ambala) demonstrate that the state forces are working to a plan to exterminate Sikhs. At Behla Sikh women and children were used as human shields by the Indian Army in an action. Last Sunday, officers of the Indian police shot dead two young Sikhs and a child of three years in cold blood at Dhulkote (Ambala) in Haryana. The Shiromani Akali Dal has investigated in detail both these incidents and has come to conclusion that these actions are being carried out at the express orders of the state and central government to kill innocent Sikh youth and children,
The erroneous foreign policy of the government of India with respect to Afghanistan in supporting the puppet regime of Najibullah has resulted in thousands of Sikhs and Hindus leaving their home and hearth in Afghanistan as refugees. Shamefully, so far the Indian Government has done nothing to provide succor to the men, women and children who are arriving in hordes in conditions of abject penury. There are reports that the women folk are committing suicide to save their honor. The Shiromani Akali Dal appeals to the interim government in Afghanistan and the Mujahidin groups to intervene and take immediate steps to protect the suffering populations. Our party ha: always stood by the right of self-determination of the people of Afghanistan and has lent mor a support to the groups struggling there,
The Shiromani Akali Dal warn the Government of India of serious consequences if the killings of Dalits as at Kumher (Rajasthan) are repeated. We have verified that the administration colluded with the perpetrators of the heinous crime at Kumher. The plight of Christan nuns in U.P. and North Eastern states is a cause for concern. The A divas is and Tribals are the original people of this land but are today fighting for sheer survival.
The Shiromani Akali Dal suggest that the following should be done to amicably settle various issues:
1.The entire disputed area at Ayodhya should be handed over to the Army. The World Heritage Foundation has declared Babri Masjid a historic monument of international importance and therefore it is required that the Organization of Islamic Countries must intervene and stop the demolition of the Babri Masjid.
- In the case of Bhai Harjinder Singh and Bhai Sukhdev Sigh an open and fair trial must begin after the constitutional validity of TADA has been decided upon.
- The National Integration Council must ensure that archaic rules do not prevent me from raising the voice of conscience for the minorities.
Article extracted from this publication >> Aug 7, 1992