Today the International Sikh Organization pledges the support of the Sikh community outside of India in response to “tan, man, dhan,” or body, soul and wealth to the Sikh Freedom Fighters opposing the Government of India as called for by the Head Sikh Priests from the highest religious seat of the Sikh Nation, the Golden Temple. This pledge of support will increase the aid sent to the Sikh freedom fighters from the International Sikh Community.

A little known civil war has been taking place in the Punjab State of India for the last four years. Yet report of this war has been slight due to the news blackout imposed by Rajiv Gandhi. The call by the Head Priest of the Sikh religion is significant because it shows a unifying of the Sikh people against the New Delhi Government. Prior to this call, Sikhs have been divided between those who wanted more Sikh control within the Punjab State and those who wished to secede from India entirely. The action by the Priests indicates that even Sikh moderates have leaned toward full secession from India.