WASHINGTON: The State Department has issued warnings to travelers about ‘Yugoslavia and pars of India. Americans in the Yugoslav republics of Slovenia and ‘Croatia are advised to consider leaving them as soon as possible, In an advisory dated June 28, the department said it continued wore commend that Americans defer all travel to Yugoslavia because of heightened political tensions, violent clashes between authorities and demonstrators and travel disruptions affecting roads and railways. Travelers should contact the ‘American Embassy in Belgrade.

in an advisory dated June 24, the department strongly recommends that travelers avoid India’s Kashmir valley and the state of Punjab until further notice Militants in Kashmir recently kidnapped five foreigner, it said, while in Punjab the political strife connected with the elections has ‘generated public violence. Although most of the violence is not directed at foreigners, trains and buses are often targets, and public demonstrations can quickly erupt into violent clashes, the department reports.

Continuing tensions between Pakistan and India over Kashmir have led the department to advise travelers along the India-Pakistan border to exercise caution. Although the restriction on travel in northwest Bengal has been lifted, visitors are warned that dangerous conditions still exist.

The department also cautions against travel in Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, northern Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Agra, Varanasi, Indore, Andhra Pradesh, Agra, Varanasi, Indore, ‘Ahmedabad, Hyderabad and along the east Karakoram mountain range.

The department suggests that travelers check with the American Embassy in Now Delhi or the nearest consular office for details regarding safety and that they read English language newspapers.

Article extracted from this publication >> July 12, 1991