The task of editing sports sometimes assumes curious dimensions. At times we have to be the referee between different varying factions.

Now, what exactly is the yardstick that we use to the sports coverage on this page. To be honest, at times it’s difficult but the one used often is sports page for sports people and the sports they play and excel in, That is the basic frame work which World Sikh News uses. If so happens that some stories are difficult to sort out and we use our judgment, which is assumed to be the right approach. Now we give preference to people who are into sports. A person either has to be an active sportsman or be a passive one likes for example a coach or a successful organizer of sports events.

These than are the guidelines for us to follow. Even the photographs that make their appearance are selective keeping those in mind. We are not guided by personalities but by events themselves, our contributors have to bear in mind when corresponding with us that our decisions are based on whether contributions conform to our pattern above or not. If they do, then there would be very little room for disappointment.

We aim at promoting a healthy sports culture based on sports achievement rather than the cult of personalities. People who know sports and care for sports are the ones WSN will promote. We do not have the room and time for people and personalities who cannot be identified with sports in anyway. We are ready to give credit to anyone who promotes sports, not because of the person’s personality but because the person Cares for sports. Anyone who informs us of sports events with relevant reports will be acknowledged. Please remember that positive contribution to the community in the field of sports by any member is a significant achievement and WSN is here to let others know about it. First the performance and then the announcement. You prove it to us and we will do the rest.

Already our feedback indicates people in every corner reading about this and that. We avoid mudslinging but at times it can serve as a necessary sauce, especially in an eventless phase.

You care for sports and WSN cares for you.

So, come on folks, let’s get on with the game.

Till next week. A Sportingly yours,


Article extracted from this publication >>  July 10, 1987