UNITED NATIONS: Western developed countries said today that they had contributed about 86 per cent of the voluntary aid channeled through the United Nations in 1984 while Soviet bloc nations provided only,  one percent.

Developing countries provided the remaining 13 per cent, they said, in a letter to Secretary General Javier Perez De Cuellar citing U.N. Data.

The letter, signed by representatives of Britain, the United Nations, West Germany, Japan and seven other nations, expressed – hope that this would help put development assistance in better perspective with a view to encouraging more balanced burden – sharing within the U.N. system.

It said 23 western countries provided more than 1,104 million dollars in U.N. development assist- acne in 1984, while the nine countries of Eastern Europe, including the Soviet Union, contributed just fewer than 10.5 million dollars

The letter also said western and developing countries contributed more than 472 million dollars to UN. Refugee, humanitarian, special economic and disaster relief activities in 1984, and 425 million dollars in 1983, while the east European bloc contributed nothing either year.

Article extracted from this publication >> August 8, 1986