In the pure political, Solarz nomination could be touted as valuable, well thought out, best and the right choice for the Clinton Administration. Privately it could also be justified as a prudent way to appease India after writing a simple humanitarian response that caused Indian government to conduct staged anti-US rallies in New Delhi. The Clinton response in question was a reply to the concerns expressed by 24 members of Congress who wrote to the president. These congressmen were upset by the blatant human rights violations and dismayed by the belligerent refusal of India to even allow an impartial organization such as Amnesty International to visit the Indian controlled territory under martial law. There seems to be a new perceived political reality justifying the resurrection of Solarz nomination, which is further being solidified by the indirect but not so subtle support from the pro-Indian lobby within the Congress and the Senate. In case, president Clinton moves ahead with the nomination of Solarz, we urge the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to measure Solarz’s record against the US national interests and the current and past US policies of over four decades. We urge the senate to unearth the incompatibilities of Solarz’s personal weaknesses, feelings, views, ideologies and his ties to the high caste Brahmin-Hindu majority population ruling India, against the policies, values and interests of the United States of America.

We would like to highlight some of the glaring incompatibilities and risks of Solarz’s appointment as the US ambassador to India.

In this new world order, United States has played a major role in bringing about almost all of the changes for the better, making the world a better, safer and a more dignified place. On the other hand India ranks top among the worst Human Rights Violators of our time. Indian Government has created hit squads of criminals, killed innocent people in police custody through torture, allowed Indian Army, Indian Police, Indian Paramilitary Forces to gang rape women with impunity, in Punjab, Kashmir the North East territories and the south. All of these places lie outside the main Hindi speaking belt, the domain of the ruling high caste Brahmin-Hindus of India. Amnesty International, Asia Watch and. Physicians for Human Rights a Boston based human rights group have all secretly traveled to troubled spots in. India and confirmed above mentioned violations being tolerated and hence promoted by the Indian government. The very first consideration in this: regard as it relates to Solarz’s nomination is that many conscionable congressmen have voiced grave concerns over these abuses by India. Solarz on the other hand has consistently toed the Indian line, in doing so he has implicitly encouraged India to commit more criminal acts, therefore Solarz must also share some of the responsibility for the crimes against humanity committed by the Indian regime. He has always been all to eager to defend India’s despicable conduct on the floor of the United State Congress. He has not voiced any real, meaningful opposition to Indian government’s campaign of terror against its minority populations, not once. This position taken by Solarz stands in clear contradiction to the United State policy on human rights, not to mention the contrary nature of his stance to the one adopted and pursued by president Clinton, whom he is supposed to serve.

Two United States is committed to the non proliferation of the nuclear arsenal around the globe, the current administration has put north Korea on notice regarding its nuclear program and let the north Koreans know that the US will not put up with it. The United States has taken a very serious view of Pakistan’s nuclear program, a long term US ally has fallen in disfavor because of it. For decades the United States has urged India to sign the nuclear non proliferation treaty but India has snubbed the US on every occasion. Solarz has supported India’s adamant pursuit to go nuclear. Solarz has taken a stand which diametrically opposed to the wishes of the US policy makers. In fact he has sided with an outside nation against his own on this and many more issues.

Three, the US suffers trade losses because India deliberately allows fake companies to operate on Indian soil and use trademarks of non Indian companies. These fictitious companies then produce and sell goods abroad with phony trademarks, touting them as the real thing. This hurts the US research and development and costs American jobs by taking away profits that should rightfully come to this country. Once again Solarz sup ports India on this issue and not the United States efforts to stop India from cheating.

Four, the long standing US policy on Kashmir has been that it is a disputed territory, there have been UN resolutions regarding holding a referendum in Kashmir to decide the fate of the people of Kashmir. The current administration has voiced its support for this four decade old and consistent US policy. Not Solarz, he is in opposition to everything that every US president has ever said on this issue, he chooses to follow and support India’s Policy of forcible annexation and disregard of the UN resolution on plebiscite in Kashmir. He declares that Kashmir is an integral part of India. He refuses to take the truth and the historical facts into consideration regarding the special status and territorial integrity of Kashmir and its people. In fact he is promoting servitude over individual freedom, a principle on which this great nation was founded.

Five. Solarz’s campaign has benefited a great deal financially through the Indian lobby’s mega bucks spent on him and to promote him. This is some of the same money that the United States gives to India as economic aid India instead of feeing hundreds of millions of its people who go to sleep hungry, invests those same aid dollars in the lobbying efforts to do its bidding in the Congress. Six, Solarz also is close friend of the current Indian ambassador to the United States, S.S.Ray. To Ray’s credit is a long list of murders of Sikhs, and countless other crimes against humanity which India has been able to suppress and thus slip Ray through as the ambassador to this country. Ray, if found out for who he is and what he has done would surely be treated no different than a common war criminal. Solarz, once again has had nothing to say in this regard, he instead prefers to break his bread with the likes of Ray.

Since Solarz is being considered for a public position, a position that rep- resents American values and American pride, it warrants a look at Solarz the man

Solarzas a US representative holds the sole distinction of writing 743 bad checks at the house bank over a period of little over two and a half years, which means that he wrote on average at least one rubber check every working day. Any other man or woman in American with such irresponsible character traits will not be considered fit to work as a checkout clerk at a neighborhood convenience store. Is he really worthy to represent the United States of America in any capacity?

How does Solarz fair when it comes to dealing with emergencies or he has to think on his feet and deal with stressful situations? As evidenced by Solarz’s knee jerk reaction, late Mr.Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination was a stressful situation for him. How did he conduct himself in this situation? Well, with in hours of the assassination Solarz went on TV, making the claim that Gandhi’s assassination could be the work of Sikh terrorists. Solarz had displayed no hesitation in pointing an accusatory finger at the Sikhs, although he had no information and no facts available to him. As the facts came out it became clear that the Sikhs had nothing to do with the assassination, nevertheless Solarz branded 20 million Sikhs of the world as terrorists just to please his Brahmin Hindu compares.

Solarz does not even have the confidence of his own constituency, the voters in his district, based on his track record as a US congressman considered him unworthy and handed him a humiliating defeat. A veteran incumbent who was deemed unworthy of the trust of his own constituents can hardly be viewed as prime choice to represent the entire country. Finally what concerns us the most is the risk of sending Solarz as an ambassador to India. Because he is a man disliked to varying degrees by a very large number of people living there. There are about one hundred and twenty million Muslims in India who despise Solarz, to whom he represents the ruling Brahmin-Hindu class’s heavy handedness and excesses against them. There are about 20 mil- lion Sikhs to whom he represents an open figure of contempt based upon his sharing of the same hostility and prejudices as that of the high caste Brahmins. There are about 20 million Christians who see his associate with the oppressors as bad news for them. Lastly there are about two hundred and fifty million untouchables (deemed untouchable by the decree of the Brahmin ruling class of India, friends of Solarz) who view him as the reason for their plight today, because it is people like Solarz who are helping two percent of the Brahmins of India to stay in power, giving them the ability and the opportunity to subjugate, murder and rape the members of minorities of India.

Lately the Indian propaganda has all but lost its appeal. The world knows the truth. America is putting pressure on India to stop violating the Human Rights of the minorities living under the Indian rule. Sikhs have finally come to a point where average person does not look at them and says there goes a terrorist, an image created by the Brahmin’s anti Sikh propaganda. All this may not be risky in itself but for the fact that India’s Brahmin’s would stop at nothing to achieve their goal, which is to stay in power and to subjugate all non Hindus, to them no price is too high and the end justifies the means.

What if they decide that Solarz is worth more dead to them than alive?

What if they calculate that he has outlived his political usefulness to them?

Too far fetched you wonder?

How does the fact that the cover operations branch of the Indian intelligence called the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) blew up a fully occupied Air India jumbo jet in flight, get your attention? It happened, anyone interested in details can read the book called the “Soft Target” writ- ten by two Canadian journalist: from the Toronto news paper Globe and Mail.

What if the government of India figured that they can reap a windfall in terms of propaganda by staging an ambush or an fake encounter and sacrifice Solarz? They could quite easily blame it on any one of the minorities of India that they wish to brand as barbarians, killers or undesirable. The Indian government has in the past conspired to lay the blame for the air India jetliner squarely on the Sikhs. Furthermore they could quite easily prove the blame by chasing and killing some innocent persons belonging to the religious minority they with to malign. All they would need to say afterwards is that they had identified the culprits, tried to take them in custody, they resisted and died in an encounter with the Indian police, a very common phenomenon in India. Things like this may appear science fiction to the Americans but India has a traceable track record of conducting such sordid affairs.

There is lot to think about and a whole lot is at stake. There must be at least one other person in this country, not as controversial and dangerous a prospect as Solarz who could serve as an ambassador of the United States to India and lead us all down the path of progress. Released by: Dr.Amarjit Singh, of Khalistan Affair Center.

Article extracted from this publication >> March 18, 1994