There are numerous books on every religion in the libraries of America and Canada but there is hardly any book on Sikhism therein. John Clark Archer has written a book ‘The Sikhs’ in which he says that Guru Har Gobind was not a real son of Guru Arjan Dev but was an adopted one. Trumpp states that Guru Gobind Singh had been disgusted with life and wanted to end it. So the Guru asked the Pathan to strike who did it with a fatal blow. Such blunders (may be mischievous) are there. There are numerous things like that.
The Sikh Missionary Center has published a book ‘Sikh Religion’. About 2500 copies have been printed so far and we are planning to send this book to at least 5000 university/college/ public libraries in the United States and Canada. Apart from the reprint cost of additional copies the mailing cost on 5000 books alone will be about $7000.
About 1858 copies have been sent so far to the university and college libraries. All the top and distinguished Universities like Princeton Yale MIT Stanford Berkeley Cornell U of M Northwestern Aubum Boston Nowe Dame etc. have acknowledged the receipt of the book and have sent notes of thanks.
The book has also been sent to 162 major newspapers and Magazines in these countries. About 200 or more TV Stations are being covered. All this distribution is free.
We do not believe in self-elevation and thus there is no name of the authors. It is simply ‘Sikh Religion’ by Sikh Missionary Center. Further we do not and cannot sell the book. However in order to cover this enormous expense we request every Sikh to get a copy of this publication and make a minimum donation of 25 dollars or more.
We feel that this is a selfless and well-meaning Guru Seva in which every Sikh should take part.
Jaswant Singh Sikh Missionary Center (PO.Box 02664Detroit M148202)
Article extracted from this publication >> March 15, 1991