2.1.3. Research: Proper deliberation of Gurbani can be car Tied out only if it is researched thoroughly. Thus, a lot of emphasis is given in Gurbani about research:
GGS,M1,p 1255 who does research, (deliberate on the Teachings of Guru) regenerates and progresses, the other who quarrels, disintegrates and vanishes, I admire the Creator. AGGS,M3,p 110 Search mind and body to find the Almighty. AGGS, M5, p7 14.
After researching again and again the follower of the Al mighty came to the conclusion that, if the mortal wants in exhaustible pleasure, he/e should contemplate on the Almighty. AGGS, M 4, p 732.
The Guru’s advice (Gurmat Nagri) is for research and exploration to realize the Almighty. AGGS, M 3, p 88 Those, who do not serve (accept) the teachings (sabd) of the Almighty and do not deliberate on the sabd, cannot realize the inner wisdom (eternity), i.e., The whole universe is mortal.
2.1. 4. Proper Evaluation of Article (Philosophy): It is an accepted concept that whatever is preached m Gurdwaras by Kirtanwalas and Kathakars is taken as the final truth and it is also against the religious ethics to question their preaching’s. Therefore, neither any member of the executive of the Gurdwara nor any member from the Sangat questions their teachings. In case anybody raises any question against their preaching’s is declared heretic by the executive of the Gurdwara and the sangat. Moreover, managements of certain Gurdwaras have made very strict rules of their own, under that nobody from the Sangat is allowed to express his/her views on Gurbani or Sikhism which is contrary to that of the executive. Thus, it becomes very difficult to evaluate the preaching being done by the Kirtanwalas, and the Kathakars to find out the truth:
Contrary to the above situation, Gurbani advises the Sikhs that whenever one wants to deal in any article (utility article, way of life, preaching or philosophy) one must evaluate it carefully before accepting it: AGGS, M 1, p 1410
O’ beautiful girl (every human being) with deer-like eyes, listen to the words of deep secret. That one should trade in only after careful evaluating the article. O’ beautiful girl denounce the evildoers (evil deeds), hail the victory of friends (good deeds). O’ beautiful girl deliberate on good deeds.
Article extracted from this publication >> September 11, 1996