MISSISSIPPI: Balwant Singh of Moss Point will attend the 13 1st annual meeting of the National Education Association (NEA), June 30 to July 5. Some 14,000 delegates, exhibitors and guests from around the nation will gather in the Moscone Center and hotels throughout the San Francisco/ Oakland/Bay Area for the annual meeting, whose theme this year is “Public Schools Fulfilling the American Dream.” The weeklong event will culminate in the four day Representative Assembly, July 25, where Mr.Singh and some 8,500 other voting delegates will hammer out policies to guide the 2.1 million member Association over the coming year. The NEA Representative Assembly is the world’s largest democratic deliberative body.

“The NEA Representative Assembly is true democracy at work. Delegates are given an opportunity to share their opinions on education issues and in shaping the future of the Association,” says Singh who will voice the concerns of Moss Point’s education employees, A major portion of the four day meeting each year is devoted to consideration of resolutions that spell out the Association’s position on education and other issues affecting children and society in general. High on the list of issues the delegates will discuss and de bate this year are accountability, Standards, testing academic tracking and nontraditional models of educational delivery, Mr.Singh joins 30 other delegates that make up the Mississippi delegation to the NEA Represent live Assembly,

Article extracted from this publication >>  July 9, 1993