WASHINGTON D.C.: Saturday November 7 1992 About 250 Sikhs came to protest the killing of innocent men women and children by the Indian Govt. Many slogans were used in the protest. After the peaceful protest in front of the White House all of the protestors headed towards the Indian Embassy shouting out slogans such as “Khalistan Zindabad” who is the killer who is the terrorist who is the Butcher these slogans were heard blocks away from the protestors.
They protested in front of the Embassy with slogans and holding signs like 100000 Sikhs dead since 1983; India stop Genocide of Sikhs; Remove Indian Army from Khalistan; Human Rights for the Sikhs in Punjab; Allow Amnesty International into Punjab; U.S.A. send murderer Ambassador S.S.Ray back to India; Stop U.S. Aid to India; India quit Khalistan; Sikhs need Khalistan; Free Sikh Nation.
The protestors came from New York New Jersey North Carolina Virginia Maryland Washington DC Philadelphia and other cities of U.S.A. They shouted “Go Home” to the new Ambassador of India for all the killings that had happened while he was governor of Punjab.
Nov.7, 1992 marked eight years Since the Indian government led massacres which claimed the lives of at least 20000 Sikhs in Delhi and another 20,000 Sikhs throughout India. Since 1984over 110,000 Sikhs have been murdered at the hands of Indian police paramilitary forces and death squads. Today over 38,000 Sikh prisoners of conscience languish in Indian prisons without charge or trial. Every day between 30 to 40 Sikhs are killed in extrajudicial killings Asia Watch has found that “Virtually everyone detained in Punjab is tortured.” Today the Sikh homeland is nothing less than a brutal police state where the human rights of Sikhs are ruthlessly denied as a matter of government policy In the face of such overwhelming oppression the Sikh nation declared independence from India on October 7, 1987 forming the sovereign country of Khalistan.
The Indian government has recently appointed Siddharta Shankar Ray as Ambassador to the United States As Governor of Punjab from 1986 to 1989 Mr. Ray is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Sikh youth gunned down by police and security forces in “fake encounters.” Mr. Ray is a ruthless killer whose highhanded policies of torture and murder have brought untold misery upon the Sikh nation He is unfit to move within diplomatic circles. He represents not cooperation between nations but the brutal tyranny of the Indian government. The Sikh nation emphatically opposes his appointment as Ambassador to the United States and urges the United States to refuse his credentials.
These activities help the Sikh nation raise the voice of Khalistan you can help the Sikh nation remove Siddharta Shankar Ray as Ambassador to the United States. Support Khalistan as the Sikh nation mourns the loss of the 40000 Sikhs murdered in the November 1984 government instigated Sikh massacres.
“India Quit Khalistan Free the Sikh Nation” chanted the placard carrying crowd.

Article extracted from this publication >> November 20, 1992