WASHINGTON: About 40 to 50 Sikhs “welcomed” the new ambassador from India with Black flags and slogans “Go Back to India”. The new ambassador Sidharth Shanker Ray ex -governor of Punjab reached Dallas Int. Airport at 4:20 pm Wed Oct 28.

It was also learned that one of the protestors managed to reach close to the car of Ray and was able to spit upon the car. Ray and his party immediately left the airport without delay. It is worth mentioning that Sidarth Shanker Ray was the Punjab governor from 19861989 and is commonly known as the Butcher of the Sikhs responsible for killing thousands of young Sikh boys in faked encounters.

Ray is expected to present his credentials to the next president of the U.S. early next year thousands of letters from Sikhs and Kashmiris have been mailed to the State Dept. deploring his assignment.

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