SANJOSE, CA: OnDeo4, 1993, the Bay Area Sikh professionals, Sikh community and Sikh gurdwara celebrated Guru Nanak Day’s birthday by feeding about 800 hungry and homeless people in San Jose.

The organizers of this event were engineers and other professionals in the Silicon Valley area. About 800 hot meals were served at three different locations; Saint James Park, Salvation Army, and City Team Ministries. A large quantity of food was still leftover which was donated to the relief agencies. Several relief agencies had been notified of this event in advance. This event was covered by the local Tadio, television and newspaper. The entire Program Was a great success. A banner “Sikhs Celebrate Gurn Nanak’s Birthday” was in Stalled in the Saint James Park and the Shabads of Gurbani and classical Sikh music filled the air. The homeless and the hungry were very thankful to the Sikh Community for its thoughtfulness, Dozens of men, women, and children helped in cooking and distributing the food.

Mr.Tarlochan Singh coordinator of the event said, “Sharing with the needy is one of the three basic principles of Sikhism. The other ones being honest living and Nam Simran (meditation). The fine tradition of Guru Ka Langar (Sikh community kitchen) was started by Guru Nanak himself.” All the food served was vegetarian, it included parshadas (bread), rice with green peas, kidney beans, cauliflower and potato’s, salad, apples, orange juice, milk, boiled water and hot tea.

People were encouraged to come for the seconds and thirds. In fact the Sikh volunteers searched for the hungry and the homeless in the adjacent areas, rounded them up and served them delicious food.

San Jose Mercury News, KLIV radio 1590 AM, and Channel 36 News covered the event “Most people in this society do not know the Sikhs, such event, provide interaction with the other American communities and give them a better understanding of us and our religion” said Mr.Nahal.

Mr.Tarlochan Singh said, the credit for the success of the event goes to the hardworking groups who donated and helped in cooking and serving the food. This group of Sikhs plans to arrange similar charitable events in the future.

Article extracted from this publication >>  December 17, 1993