LOS ANGELES: A group of four Prominent Sikhs attended the Republican Party convention in Houston, Texas.
Malkiat Singh Sidhu, Sarabhit Singh Maan, Surinder Singh Sidhu and Gurbachan Singh Grewal, all from the Management Committee of Lanker shim Gurdwara in N. Hollywood represented the Sikhs,
Their colorful turbans were a point of attraction and delegates were asked many questions about the plight of Sikhs in Punjab. This is what the group wanted to talk about. They told of how the Indian government is killing hundreds of Sikhs in fake police encounters, that many thousands lodged in jails without trial, women raped, children butchered and human rights violated daily. They made the other delegates aware that India is a democracy in name only, in actuality it is a one dynasty rule and dictatorship led by a few stooges of the regime,
The group also talked about the problems Sikhs face of discrimination in the work place. The goal was to demonstrate that Sikhs as a minority appreciate the policies of Bush Administrator.
The group went there as guest delegates. They were honored and invited to three dinners hosted by former Governor of California George .Deukmejian, Senator Seymour and Congressman Lewis Brown.

Article extracted from this publication >> September 18, 1992