FREEMONT, CA; At a largely attended Panthic Conference in which Sikhs from America, Canada and England participated. Sikhs made a determined resolve to work for the total freedom of Sikhs in India by establishing a sovereign state of Khalistan. Following resolutions were approved with the shouting of religious slogans “Jaikaras”,
- We pay homage to the Martyrs of the Sikh Nation and pledge all the Sikhs living in Punjab and abroad to carry on their sacred i we achieve our goal for a free Sikh Homeland, “Republic of Khalistan.
- That the Sikh Nation is passing through difficult times facing brutalities of the tyrant and dishonest Government controlled by Hindu lobby. To fight against oppression of Hindu regime, Sikhs are united our protect our religious, economic, and cultural freedom and liberties.
- That the Sikhs should follow Sikh tenets and extend their physical, moral and financial support preserve Sikh traditions.
- We request to all the free nation of the free world to inquire about injustice committed by Hindi regime towards Sikhs. These Nations should raise their voice to protect human rights urge all free Nations to recognize Sikh Homeland “REPUBLIC OF KHALISTAN”, in order to create a peaceful atmosphere in that region.
- Hindu regime and Punjab Government must release unconditionally all the Sikh military personnel’s and young Sikh prisoners Who protested over the attack of Harminder Sahib (Golden Temple) and many other major Sikh Shrines.
- The “Republic of Khalistan” urges all the Sikh organizations to stand united to reach our goal i.e. creation of Khalistan and human rights.
The Prime Minister of Khalistan government in exile, S. Gurmej Singh in a press release stated that they wanted to “convey our message to American People who believe in freedom of human souls against all types of oppression and terrorism of corrupt governments: against their own people, Sikhs in India are minority comprising 2% Of India’s total population. They are fighting for religious, economic and political freedom.
To finish Sikh religion and further weaken them politically and economically, Indian Government through puppet government in Punjab have declared “Total War” on the Sikh nation, Since the first major attack by the Indian military using heavily armed forces such as artillery, air force, tanks, etc. (like fighting a full scale war with another country) on June 1, 1984, on the Golden Temple and other major Sikh Shrines, Punjab has been controlled by the Indian army and central security forces. The Chief Minister of Punjab has been warned by the Indian Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi, to start this war or to be ready to lose his Akali Government in Punjab. As reported in Chronicle of July 18, 1986, Indian forces are now reported using the helicopters, gunships, motor boats, and bulldozers in a major offensive against the Sikh nation. It seems likely that the Indian government under total influence of Russia’s following same policies against the Sikhs as in Afghanistan; Thousands of Sikhs are being killed in false counter attacks by military and police. Specially appointed Chief of Police Mr. Ribeiro in his statement. Said, “My forces will kill four Sikhs to match for one Hindu if killed by the Sikhs”, Furthermore, military and security forces are taking part in burning the crops, woods and are engaged in destroying the houses and their other properties worth millions of dollars.
The International news media has not been permitted into the Punjab region. No foreigners are allowed to travel to the Punjab region. The world receives a biased report on the happening in that important region of the world, A book entitled, “Report to the Nation; Oppression in Punjab”, published by citizens for democracy, can be obtained thru the Library of Congress. This book has been banned in India; it substantiates the claims of the Sikh people, If what the Indian government says is true, there is no reason to prevent foreign media from entering the region.
In view of this continuous Genocide of the Indian Government against Sikhs, Sikh people had no choice but to declare Khalistan (meaning Government of the pure people). Dr. Jajit Singh Chohan, the President of Khalistan Government, in exile and Gurmej Singh, the Prime Minister of Khalistan government, in exile, in a joint appeal to the Secretary General of the United Nations demanded to condemn this act of genocide and to send a fact finding delegation to Punjab, immediately.
We are peace loving and law abiding Sikh people are united today all around the world, We request all the peace loving democratic Governments to recognize the Sikh Nation, “Republic of Khalistan”, Government in exile, to set up a peaceful atmosphere in that religion.
Gurmej Singh, while addressing the congregation appealed to all Sikh organizations to get united and recognize the Republic of Khalistan. He stressed the need for an umbrella body and requested the audience to give it some time.
He nominated a five member committee comprising Bhai Ajit Singh, Bhai Satinder Singh, Bhai Gurmeet Singh, Bhai Gurdeep Singh and Bhai Gurmej Singh. The committee will function in coordination with Bhai Hardial Singh, Governor General of the Republic of Khalistan.
Dr. Arjinderpal Singh stated in his speech that the right to decide the future and to form the government was with the people “who are making all the sacrifices”.
Earlier Prof, Hamdani from Pakistan introduced ex-congressman, Mr. Mcclosky to the audience.
Article extracted from this publication >> August 15, 1986