Sikhs abroad written by Warran Unna, A Statesman Publication (1985) is another attempt by the “Sarkari” press to paint a vibrant minority, in this case the Sikhs living abroad as irrational, antinational and hence destructive to the Sikh cause. It is amazing that Warren Unna who has gone to UCLA and Stanford could still retain a myopic view of events which have lead to the awareness of Sikhs living abroad regarding the dehumanization that has been let loose on the powerless people of India to keep the dynastic corporate, elitist, reactionary regime of the Congress (I) in power.
Every action produces reaction. The Sikhs living abroad live in a society where people are not lifted from the streets and locked up for two years, where 1.6. Million army stands by waiting for the Home minister’s instructions yet thousands of Sikhs get lynched by Congress (1) gondas. It is the belief of the present author that we are creating difficulties for the Sikhs living in India. It is Rajiv’s government that has not only created difficulties for the Sikhs but also for other minorities of India.
People of Irish origin are helping the Irish cause, Jews of North America are Gupta supporting the Jewish cause all over the world, so what is so disturbing if Sikhs who are affluent can tell the government of India to stop trampling on the rights of the powerless minorities of India. It appears that the mystified mind of Mr. Unna inspects that the Sikhs along with other Indo Canadian or Indo North American association should stay “patriotic” and start worshipping the “rising stars of Hindu Imperialism.” It would have been better if Mr. Unna should have spent a few hours going through the sociopolitical listing of the Sikhs before attempting to measure “The attitudes and activities” of Sikhs settled in the USA and Canada.
Psychologically speaking, the feeling of guilt is not with the Sikhs living abroad as Mr. Unna makes us believe. It is with the “big brother” who is so “narrow” in his “charity” that even the legitimate demands have been twisted and turned to make them appear antinational. Mr. Unna (the writer) and Mr. the editor of state man Calcutta should do some introspection and soul searching and see if it is not the Freudian “Projection” that is being used to paint a very nationalistic minority as “terrorists.”
Article extracted from this publication >> August 2, 1985