As a young, Sikh female college student, write this letter seeking some answers. Most Sikhs seem to encourage unity among our people, but the ironic thing is that these Sikhs who encourage this concept aren’t too unified among colleagues themselves, Looks truly are deceiving. These days the community is not even unified as the Gurdwaras political problems constantly increase and two to three different parties are formed. Even families don’t seem to stick together, Brothers and sisters fight amongst each other due mainly to greed and jealousy of one having more than the other. It is truly a sad and unfortunate matter even the “leaders” who are on the cover of the WSN stand proud as they display their prestige, but the actual reality is that half of those leaders are not even on good relations among each other. These Sikhs complete amongst one another, whether they are just friends or even brothers, ‘What kind of Khalistan are Sikhs going to win? What kind of peace are Sikhs going to spread in Punjab when we are not even at peace with our families and fellow Sikhs?

As I sat reading an article in the WSN, I realized that I am confused about the objective of the leaders of the Sikh community. I would like to ask the leaders many questions which probably run through many young Sikh students’ minds. What is your real goal? I am trying to be as unbiased about this as I can, but the only difference I have noticed you leaders have made since the Blue Star Operation of 1984 is given yourselves personal publicity gains. Keeping up with your image is important to a point, but it seems more of an issue than the hundreds of thousands of youths who have sacrificed their lives for Khalistan, the Sikh women who have been brutally raped and forced to watch their families tortured and murdered before them.

I believe that being politically aware and active in this country can benefit group of people, but Lam curious as to what and how politicians will help in our goal of Khalistan from a Sikh leader’s point of view. Do you really feel the United States would intervene in trying to influence the already corrupt government of India? How have they helped or aided in the recent past? The US will face a growing list of requests from the international community for U.S. foreign aid and calming their country’s violence. Other issues such as the Kurds of Northern Iraq, Bosnia conflict, crisis in Haiti, violence in Rwanda represent only a handful of the conflicts raging around the world. They are among the conflicts that have captured worldwide attention, while Punjab has received very minimal coverage. Even Kashmir, the Muslim majority state of India has received more coverage, along ‘with strong backing from Pakistan, ‘what country would back us Sikhs completely? Also the U.S. is on the verge of changing their policy of intervention in foreign countries. Even as American troops intervened in Somalia in December 1992, the human suffering in neighboring Sudan was just as great, yet no action was taken, this contrast has raised strong fundamental questions about the US policy toward international intervention, Most of those countries are poor.

Third World Nations who do not have nuclear capabilities, while India has the power and capabilities to produce dangerous nuclear arms and can muster in plenty of countries as allies. ‘Though the US is a Super Power, I highly doubt the US would ever want to intervene with the Indian government. I have mentioned many facts that Lam aware of, but are willing to read the opinions of others who may or may not agree with me.

I also want to clearly point out that 1 completely agree that a strong political base needs to be set for the Sikhs to be recognized, but at the same time these Sikhs need to know what they are lobbying for and who they are contributing so much money to. We just seem to keep flipping open the ‘checkbooks, get ourselves recognized, while these politicians walk away with big money that obviously is not going to be directed towards our goal. We need to be careful about where our funds are directed or else our community may just be taken advantage of just for the big money.

I would also like to ask another portion of the Sikh community who are not so politically active or are economically and financially disadvantaged some questions, Why are many of you Sikhs forming own separate parties and withdrawing from the politically active or well established Sikhs? This is a big problem because this only breaks apart the Sikh community and you people do not participate or contribute in lobbying, rallying, or promoting real issues such as peace in Punjab or creating a strong ‘Sikh community for the younger generation to hold on to, Jealousies and &reed seem to run deep in the hearts of many Sikhs who have become separate from the rest of the Sikh community. I would like to encourage these people to wake up and realize we need something to hold on to, we need to believe in our community and our religion, and put an end to the raging jealousies which reside in the Sikh people regardless of their economic and financial status, What people have is what they work hard to earn for themselves and their families. So what if someone is economically and financially advantaged? That is how Waheguru intended their life to be so they should be able to enjoy fruits of their labor.

Why doesn’t this Sikh generation direct more of their attention toward us, the younger generation? Many Sikh children these days have complete lack of interest or knowledge of ‘our religion and culture, and are assimilating completely with the dominant culture and forgetting their own, what will become of the Gurdwaras 10 to 20 years from now? Will they become isolated and abandoned as many have in the past? The Sikh community needs to widen their circle of service and love from the Self to family, to community, and to the cause of humanity.

I have just presented many broad thoughts which crossed my mind. It is not intended to offend anyone. I just want to be informed of the perspective these leaders have. Tell our younger generation your goals and: please answer the questions that were” raised previously in this letter, I am’ just seeking to be enlightened. H L K.G., California.

Article extracted from this publication >> December 1, 1995