SARDAR Amolak Singh Bajwa of Vernon, Connecticut has been granted permission to wear turban as a mail carrier by the United States Postal Services. Sardar Bajwa took the open examination for recruitment as a letter carrier and based on the result of that was appointed as a mail carrier in South Windsor, Conn., post office. Sardar Bajwa at the time of his appointment did not wear a turban. Subsequently upon successfully completing probationary period, he requested his superiors to be allowed to wear the turban as mandated by his faith. The postal authorities after initial reluctance, at his suggestion, contacted Dr. Manohar Singh Grewal, President of W.S.O., U.S.A., and sought clarification and detailed information in this regard. In the meantime, Sardar Amarjit Singh Buttar, member of W.S.O. National Council, and member Vernon Democratic Town Committee, communicated with Congressman Sam Gejdenson on behalf of Sardar Bajwa. The Congressman promptly contacted US. Postal Service in Washington, D.C., and a very sensitive issue was resolved without any legal hassles. The entire Sikh community of Connecticut is very pleased with the outcome and is also thankful to Congressman Sam Gejdenson for his interest and help in the matter.
Article extracted from this publication >> February 6, 1987