32Hukam Namas Dr, Ganda Singh has collected 87 Hukam Namas supposed to be written by the Sikh Gurus, Mata Gujn, Mata Sahib Kaur, Banda Bahadur, Akal Takht Amritsar, Akal Takht Patna, etc., It is strange that no Hukam Nama is available from Ganda Singh’s collection, a which is supposed to have been ‘ written to the Sikhs of India to Visit Anandpur on Baisakhi of 1699 CE, when Guru Gobind Singh was planning to create Khalsa as reported by Satbir Singh another reputed historian. The irony is that many other historians and writers accepted his report without any verification. In this connection J have picked up four Hukam Namas, supposed to be written by Guru Gobind Singh around Baisakhi of 1699 CE from Dr. Ganda Singh’s collection for discussion. The main theme of these Hukam Namas is: 1, Hukam Nama #45 issued on July 24, 1698 CE to the sangat of Shahzade Ajim de Lashkar in which 100 tola gold was demanded ‘from Bhai Muhkam Singh Jee and Bhai Sati Das. Note the name is ‘Bhai Muhkam Singh Jee. The name ‘Singh’ was not given to the Sikhs as yet. It is not known whether he was from present day Weyana or UP where some Hindus have last name as ‘Singh’. 2. Hukam Nama #46 issued on March 12, 1699 CE to the sangat of Machiwara in which one tola of gold was demanded.
- Hukam Nama #47 issued on April 24, 1699 CE to Bhai Des Raj in which Bhai Des Raj was ordered to collect the tax for the Gun.
- Hukam Nama #48 issued on October 5, 1699 CE to sangat of Nauchhara in which tax and one tola of gold was demanded. During that time all the Hukam Namas issued were to collect gold and tax and there was no concern of any religious commandments ‘or moral codes or invitation to pzgnd the special Vaisakhi of 1699 EV being arranged by Guru Gobind Singh as reported by Satbir. Mehboob has critically examined these Hukam Namas and concluded that most of the Hukam Namas are fake from many aspects. In these days the following Hukam Nama, written on May 25.
1699 CE is being popularized for the importance of 5 kakars (5Ks) in modem literature by many Sikh scholars:
(From Principal Satbir Singh)
Principal Satbir Singh, a well-known Sikh historian, wrote in his book as follows: “Those who adopted the Rehit of Khalsa on the first of Vaisakh, Samat 1756, had to face many difficulties. Kavi Sanapati had mentioned a few of these in his book, Guru Sooba. The tension (struggles) between Amritdharis and non Amritdharis increased so much that Chandni Chauk of Delhi remained closed for several days. Similar tension occurred in the sangat of Kabul. The sangat of that place appealed to Guru Gobind Singh Jithrougha letter for issuing an order and recommending rehits through a Hukam Nama (edict) so that non Amritdharis are converted to Khalsa. Kalgian Wale was pleased to issue the above Hukam Nama on 26 Jeth Samat 1756 (25 may, 1699 CE)
Let us examine this Hukam Nama with the touchstones of Gurbani, science and logic:
- It is very strange and doubtful that serious fights between Amritdharis and Non Amritdharis erupted at Chandni Chouk, Delhi soon after the first Amrit ceremony at Anandpur Sahib. The problem was so serious in Delhi that Chandni Chauk remained closed for several days. But request about instructions to be Amritdharis comes from the sangat of Kabul where there were no such problems between Amritdhari and Non Amritdharis. If time taken to develop tension between Amritdharis and non Amritdharis, the time to write a letter, the ime to reach a letter to Guru Gobind Singh from Kabul, and then the time to write a reply is considered, then there is enough doubt to believe that this Hukam Nama was written just after 55 days of the first Amnit ceremony. Here the writer failed to realize time factor while fabricating this Hukam Nama.
- The language of this Hukam Nama is more modem that those written around that periods. The use of comma (,) in Punjabi language was not popular during that period also.
- In fact a Hukam Nama explaining an accurate method of Amrit administration should have been issued by Guru Gobind Singh to the Sikhs of whole India immediately after the first ceremony of Amrit. Had Guru Gobind Singh issued any such Hukam Nama then hundreds or thousands of its copies would have been sent to various places and Sikh centers to perform Amrit ceremony accurately. But no copy of such a Hukam Nama is traceable except the one sent to the Sikhs of Kabul, which was reported recently by Sabir Singh.
- Instructions in this Hukam Nama are: 5Ks are essential for an Amritdhari; do not eat khutha (kosher) meat; and do not use tobacco. But there is no mention of any restriction on alcohol, bhang (hashish, marijuana), and other intoxicants.
- There is instruction to read Gurbani and ‘Waheguru, Waheguru Japna’ but no mention of recitation of particular five Banis so strongly recommended to the Amritdharis in these days. In almost all Hukam Namas of Guru Gobind Singh, usual instructions are Guru Gum Japna’, nowhere “Waheguru Japna’ has been written in any Hukam Nama of Guru Gobind Singh recorded by Ganda Singh even up to the last one, written on February 3, 1708 CE (Hukamnamas # 65). Moreover, nowhere in Gurbani such instruction of “Waheguru Japna’ are found in the AGGS Here the writer of this Hukam Nama failed to include five Banis, very important instructions for Amritdharis, instead he was very careful to write to boycott Meenay, Masandiay, and Ram Raiay. This instruction contradicts the Sikh Ardas given in the SGPC Rehit Maryada where the Sikhs pray for Sarbat Ka Bhala (well wishes for all).
The readers should not jump to the conclusion that I am writing against the concept of Amnit. Here lam talking about the fake Hukam Namas and Rehit Namas. From the above discussion it becomes clear that this Hukam Nama like others was also not written by Guru Gobind Singh. This Hukam Nama was not noticed by Ganda Singh who compiled almost all Hukam Namas available to him in his book published in 1967 for the first-time. However, this Hukam Nama appeared in a book, “Sikh Rehit Maryada Ete Usdi Mahanta”’ written by Principal Satbir Singh in 1980. He has not mentioned its source of availability and its authenticity to support that it was written by Guru Gobind Singh. It seems that this Rehit Nama is the latest addition in the list of fake Hukam Namas by a zealous Amritdhari after 1967, the publication date of Hukam Namas by Ganda Singh. The irony is that Principal Satbir Singh took it as a piece of information to construct Sikh Rehit Maryada without looking into its authenticity and its validity. The irony is many modem scholars are following Principal Satbir Singh and quoting this Hukam Nama without verifying its authenticity and logic.
Article extracted from this publication >> October 9, 1996