NEW DELHI, India: The Delhi High Court has upheld the death sentence imposed on Satwant Singh, Balbir Singh and Kehar Singh by the trial court and held that the three deserved to be punished with “utmost severity for the assassination of Indira Gandhi on Oct. 31, 1984”.
Delivering Judgement from behind newly constructed bullet proof shield, Mr. Justice S. Ranga Nathan and Justice P.N. Kirpal and Mr. Justice M.K. Chawla held that the plan to murder was “conceived not by depraved motivation or immoral impulses but by the highest and noblest impulses loyalty to one’s religion”.
Directing that accused be hanged by neck till death, the Judges held all the three equally guilty. “The murder planned by them is the most dastardly one This has been one case where an assassination has been done by the security men entrusted with the task of protection “In the 644 page judgment the full bench held Satwant Singh, Balbir Singh and Kehar Singh guilty of offences under section 302 and section 120B of the Indian Penal Code.
Article extracted from this publication >> December 12, 1986