AMRITSAR: The five members Supreme Panthic Committee declared that establishment of a separate Independent Country called Khalistan, in an eleven page press note; the committee said that a new Khalistan Government would be shortly announced. The press note explained that there was no justice for Sikhs in India, Sikhs ‘were treated as second class citizens and there was discrimination against them in every field. It further said that Sikhs have been struggling for 38 years for their democratic rights a peaceful and democratic manner, but the Govt. of India has been resorting to undemocratic and ruthless methods to crush the Sikh’s legitimate aspirations.
‘The Committee alleged that the Indian Government was bent up on annihilating Sikhs. Brahmanism had once again raised its evil head to destroy Sikhism, the press note added.
Sikhs, the Committee felt, were left with no other alternative except to seek and establish their ‘own independent country. Punjab Government run by Alkalis had also miserably failed to respond to Sikh predicament, it said. It was a virtual police raj in the state. Sikh Youths continued to rot in jails and police continued to kill them in fake encounters, the note said.
The Committee said that even the recommendations of the Bains Committee regarding the release of about 200 Sikh Youths had not been implemented.
The Committee appealed to all foreign governments to extend recognition to Khalistan and welcome yet another nation with rich history and traditions in the International comity of nations. The note made it clear that the Khalistan Government would like to have friendly relations with India and its people. The note however indicated that Sikhs will not rest till they unfurl their national lag (Kesari Nishan) on the Red Fort, Delhi, ‘The announcement of Khalistan shocked Delhi. Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi, immediately summoned: the Home: Minister,
Punjab Chief Minister and Senior Officials of the Home Ministry for urgent consultations. Mr. Sunjit Singh Barnala cut short his three day visit to Delhi and rushed back to his Headquarters. The Union Government was already perturbed at the recent killings in Punjab. The murder of Congress (I) party assembly man, Mr. Sant Singh, has shaken union Government’s faith in the ability of Akali Government to tackle the problem.
Meanwhile security for the Punjab Ministers and the Punjab Police Chief has been tightened, Security men form a cordon of 10 motor cycles, 10 cars around the Chief Minister and an ambulance always accompanies the cavalcade. Mr. Balwant Singh is escorted by5 motor cycles and five cars and a matador full of ‘security men and Punjab Police Chief moves in a convoy of six jeeps.
Article extracted from this publication >> May 2, 1986