CHANDIGARH, India: Two Sikh lawyers S. Gurdev Singh and S. Gurcharan Singh Ghuman both from Ludhiana had been arrested on March 29 under Terrorist and Disturbed Areas Act These gentlemen have been providing legal services to victims of state terrorism. As result of their arrest lawyers of Punjab observed two day strike. Both of these gentlemen belong to Punjab Sikh Lawyers Council and anti-Oppression Coordination Committee. Their case has been presented to Amnesty International and Human Rights Commission of United Nations. Appeal for their release has been sent to Surjit Singh Barnala by W.S.O. and to the Prime Minister by Human Rights Committee in India, India Alert and individual activists throughout North America.

NEW DELHI, India: Authorities in India’s most populous state were put on alert Friday after nine people were killed and at least 135 injured in widespread Hindu-Muslim riots that raged for three days. Police said that riots in three cities in the State of Uttar Pradesh involved traditional animosities between the two religions, alleged harassment of a Hindu girl by Muslim men, and a dispute over a holy place claimed by Hindus and Muslims.

Article extracted from this publication >>  April 24, 1987


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