NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Chander Shekhar and Congress (I) leader Rajiv Gandhi attended the 14th international Arya Samaj convention held at Ramlila Maiden here ‘which virtually declared a war on minorities suggesting that all articles in the Indian Constitution granting certain protection minorities in the Indian Constitution should be abrogated. The convention echoing the typical R.S.S. stand said that the Constitution had conferred special privileges on the minorities without defining them. “It is advise step, the sooner it is abrogated, the better it will be for safeguarding national cohesiveness” it said SLF ‘Neither Chander Shekhar nor Gandhi distanced himself from the proceedings of the convention which was also attended by former Lok Sabha Speaker Balram Jakhar (“it will not be too big a price if few hundred thousand persons in Punjab are killed to save the country from disintegration”) and H.K.L. Bhagat, ‘Turning to Punjab, Rajiv Gandhi said the situation in the State ws never so bad as it was today.

Article extracted from this publication >> January 4, 1991