LONDON (PTI): Amnesty Inter. national has expressed concern over the continuing torture of children the world over and urged all governments to save them from Jailers and hit men and torturers and executioners as soon as possible.

Four years after U.N. drew up the convention of the rights of the child children are still being targeted for terrifying human rights violations Amnesty International said in a report released in London last week.

Notwithstanding the positive response the convention has met with from governments around the world 149 countries are party to it and 20 more have Signed some Of the signatories are still violating the most basic human rights of children

Incredible as it sounds children are still suffering every kind of human rights abuse said the international human rights Organization. Youth offers no protection from the death squads the Slate rapists and assassins the torturers or the executioners.

The Amnesty report said China is a Signatory to the UN convention on the rights of the child but it didn’t protect 16-year-old Tenzin Dekyong anun in Tibet. She was arrested last March for demonstrating against Chinese rule and reportedly beaten.

She is still in custody and Amnesty International considers her a Prisoner of conscience

Article extracted from this publication >> January 21, 1994