LA: The Patriarch of the family is no more with us and with the passing away of Sardar Gopal Singh Nat we have lost a pan of our history and link to past and a come to an end. He lived for 90 years and was an cager participant and witness to the fast changing spectacle of the 20th century

 He left peacefully surrounded by the family his sons and daughters and grandchildren prayed and stood a silent vigil it was a parting forever and a spiritual send off

Who are his souls entered the realm of the Gods. Sardar Gopal Singh Nat was born at Nat Kalan District on June 15 1904 in Gujranwala in presentday Pakistan He was the son of Sardar Natha Singh Nat and Sardami Khem Kaur Made she who owned 200 acres of the land at Nat Kalan. Gopal Singh was one of four Sons who was constantly encouraged by his grandfather to educate himself Gopal Singh took this one Step further by always striving and Succeeding to be the top in each of his classes. During the English occupation of India Gopal Singh Was one of few Indians who was admitted in Thomson College of Engineering He received his B.S. in Civil Engineering from Thomson College of Civil Engineering al Roorkee in 1930

He was the first in his family to graduate from college and to set the standards of excellence that would be followed by his children.

 Gopal Singh worked as an engineer for 31 years. In 1947 during the Partition Gopal Singh and his family were forced to emigrate to Pani Pat in Punjab India. This required Gopal Singh to make many sacrifices and to support not only his own family but also his extended family. Gopal Singh all ways gave from his heart and never expected anything in return.

 He never sought glorification but father let his work speak for him. He believed in hard work and al: ways gave 100% of himself to not only his career but also his family His work habits carried on into his personal life. He was fondly remembered for his punctuality and his meticulous organization Despite having such a large family (10 children and 26 grandchildren) he always remembered important events such as birthdays and anniversaries. Gopal Singh was a man who never sacrificed his family for his personal ambitions.

 In 1961 he retired as a Class 1 Executive Engineer and was appointed as a professor of Civil Engineering at Guru Nanak Engineering College in Ludhiana. Gopal Singh authored a textbook in Civil Engineering in 1964. He was appointed as state evaluator for the Government of India in 1969. In 1969 he was the first evaluator from the Government of India for industry and real estate. He was a member of the Institute of Engineers and Fellow of Institute of Engineers in 1922.

He immigrated to the United States in 1976 even after his retirement Gopal Singh continued his love for learning. Not accustomed to life in retirement he spent much of his time learning different languages and was constantly broadening his vocabulary by reading various dictionaries throughout his life.

SARDAR Gopal Singh was an ethical honest and admiral man. He upheld these values in his everyday life Sardar Gopal Singh   legacy of education family and hard work has been passed ronund is reflected in his children grandchildren and great-grandchildren Who are Doctors engineers and Professors as well as successful entrepreneurs He served as a model of success for his family for his community and for humanity. Himself not a deeply religious man he imbibed the nobler aspects of humanity.

 He never harbored hate or anger and was often amused at the moral frailties of others He was gentle and sensitive and maintained an impeccably honest and disciplined way of life. He loved to story-tell and often would recall encounters and anecdotes from his past to the great amusement of the eager listeners but it always dictated a moral lesson. He was a devoted husband father grandfather and great-grandfather and was a family man on all four sides. His loving influence was deep yet subtitle which extended far beyond himself which is always a sign of a noble man

He leaves behind a large family and legacy of affection and nobility for an honorable living. Daddy and Grandpa all of us love you and miss you forever. May God bless you. 5th Guru p. 846 Balliawal Rag Into the sun is the ray absorbed water into water Light into light is merged attained is perfection. Now the Supreme Being solely is beheld the Supreme Being listened on the sole Supreme Being we discourse. Other than the Lord know no any creator of expanse of Hi: self. Himself the creator and Enjoyer Himself author of al causes. States Nanak is humility such alone have this realization As Divine elixir have quaffed.

Article extracted from this publication >> June 17, 1994