NEW DELHI: Russia is keen to continue its military ties with India and is likely to offer selling of nuclear submarine, advanced air superiority MIG 31 and high altitude SU 28 fighter bombers. ‘The offer to sell these arms under a newly worked out defence arrangement between the two countries is on the cards during the visit of the high level Russian Allegation led by the country’s premier Gennady Burbulis beginning on March 23. The delegations include the defence adviser to the Russian President Vladimir Kobets.

During the visit, the two countries ‘would finalize an arrangement for ‘uninterrupted supply of spares of, the soviet weaponry in use with the Indian defence forces by. The Russian President Boris Yelstin to Premier P.V Narasimha Bao saying that his country. At “fached ‘great importance to continued close ties with India.

Article extracted from this publication >> March 20, 1992