PATIALA: Hockey playing ability is significantly related to speed, right grip strength, left grip strength, agility and dynamic balance.

This was the conclusion reached at by Dr. AK. Uppal and Dr. AK. Data of Laxmi Bai National College of Physical Education, Gwalior. The findings based on a study of male hockey players in the age group 18 to 24 years and studying in various Indian universities is in conformity with the earlier findings of Chapman and Warton, health and physical education research scientists,

The research was based on a six step motor fitness component test. The scores in each section speed, strength, power, agility, dynamic balance and flexibility were correlated with playing ability in hockey and data related to it.

The findings revealed that the physical Variables (left grip strength, balance and speed) contributed significantly towards hockey playing ability. The significant combined effects of left grip strength and balance may be attributed to the fact that the hockey playing ability depended on strength, dynamic power and maintenance of dynamic equilibrium while performing various techniques. The same has been emphasized in a book which states that the fundamental requirements of a game are speed, agility, endurance and strength.

Read and Walker in their book, “Advance Hockey for Women” have written that hockey is fast-moving and exciting game, requiring quick thinking as well as physical skills.

Article extracted from this publication >>  December 15, 1989