LONDON: A militant suspected to have had a hand in the 1985 Kanishka blast was remanded in custody for four weeks during a hearing of his extradition to Canada.

Inderjit Singh Reyat, a 35year‘old electrician from Coventry, near here, was arrested on February 5 after a hunt by Canadian and British police on an extradition request by Canada.

He was remanded in custody till May 3 at a magisterial court here.

Reyat, who came to Briain from Vancouver in Canada a year ago, was charged with possessing, explosives and was reportedly connected with June, 1985, blast at Narita airport in Tokyo in which two baggage handlers were killed.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has also leveled Mounted Police has also leveled several other charges under Canadian laws and accused Reyat of manufacturing the Narita airport bomb.

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Article extracted from this publication >> April 22, 1988