OTTAWA: People claiming refugee’s status will be screened more lightly at Canada’s borders Immigration Minister Sergio Marchi said Jan.30
Marchi made the announcement in response to a report released Tuesday that raised concerns about the refugee system .Metro road deaths lowest level since 76.
Increased use of Seat belts and a vigorous Seat-belt campaign last year have resulted in the lowest number of drivers and passengers killed in Metro since 1976 police Say.
There were 74 traffic fatalities last year down 24% from 97 deaths in 1992. Forty-two of those killed last year were pedestrians.
Police continue to be concemed about the number of pedestrians killed over the age of 60 The 21 represent 50% of those killed on Metro streets last year.
How do you go to older people and teach them the basic road safety rules? Said Constable Devin Kelley of Metro police traffic support services
Traffic fatalities among older pedestrians have been a concern for a number of years he said.
Police believe increased use of seat belts and two seat-belt awareness campaigner last year in April and October are responsible for the reduction of traffic fatalities in 1993.
The programs will continue this your Kelley said Other factors that may have played a role in the reduction of traffic deaths include improved car safety increased use of air bags anti-lock brakes Kelley said.
Article extracted from this publication >> February 4, 1994