KITCHENER: A big banner saying “Recognize the human nice as one” conveyed Guru Gobind Sing’s universal message t6 hundreds of multicultural Canadians who visited the Kitchener City Hat on March 20 to commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

The local Sikh community participated by setting up an attractive and informative information booth that displayed pictures of Nankana Sahib, Durbar Sahib; Generals Hari Singh Nalwa, Akati Phoola Singh, Harbax Singh, Bikram Singh, Shahbeg Singh, Ravind Singh Grewal and posters Showing Victoria Cross winner Sikh veterans. Literature on Sikh philosophy and history was also displayed, Because of the (urban issue, pictures of V.C. winners became the focus of interest and understanding. The visitors who evinced keen interest in learning about Sikhs Included teachers. School Board Officials, Human Rights volunteers and city councilors.

Another unique part of this event was the singing of Canada’s national anthem by youth from several cultures, with lines translated in their heritage languages Sharanjit Kaur and Jaspreet Singh represented the Sikh community. Our active participation was greatly appreciated by the Kitchener-Waterloo Race Relations Committee and Multicultural Center.

Provided by: Prof, Pritam Singh Grewal, Kitchener-Ont. Canada

Article extracted from this publication >> April 29, 1994