VANCOUVER B.C: A prominent Sikh activist was arrested and later released honorably after dropping all charges against him. R.C.MP. had grabbed S Paramjit Singh Randhawa at his home in Richmond and charged with drug trafficking. Randhawa an activist for the formation of Independent Sikh Republic in Punjab has vehemently denied the charges. Protesting against the charge that he had brought heroin from India he said that during the period in question he never visited India. “I was in Canada during that period” he said

The arrest came in as lower mainland Sikhs protested the arrest last week of five Sikhs. Man mohan Singh a spokesman for the International Youth Federation said that thousands of Sikhs have signed a petition to Attorney General Brian Smith. Five Sikhs were arrested on charges of conspiring to murder Punjab Planning Minister Mr. Milkiat Singh Sidhu on May 25. Four persons were originally charged with attempted murder after Sidhu suffered two bullet wounds the petition requests the release on bail of all the nine.

Article extracted from this publication >> September 19, 1986