SHIMLA: In response to a request from Himachal chief minister Shanta Ram to deal with employees’ strike, the Punjab police chief K.P.S. Gill sent some of his men to Shimla. The latter expressed his inability to spare any C.R.P.F. men as demanded by Shanta Ram. But the Punjab police living up to its ill reputation indulged in a few cases of eve teasing. They also refused to pay their bills after eating in some of the local eating houses. The chief minister appears to have been embarrassed by the conduct of the Punjab police. It has angered the local population.
Shanta Ram heads a B.J.P. government. The party has excellent relations with K.P.S.Gill personally notwithstanding the fact that he heads the force while Congress (I) rules Punjab.
Article extracted from this publication >> July 3, 1992