NAPEAN, Ont: The planning department at its meeting held on January 14, 1986, ordered public hearing to determing the change ‘on name of Cetus Street to Gurdwara Road or Khalsa Road. The request for the change was made by Ottawa Sikh Society and Dr. Bath made the presentation of the ‘case in the meeting. This item was introduced by Mr. Leathem and Mr. Campfield presented the following report:

It is recommended that Planning Committee consider the application by the Ottawa Sikh Society to change the name of Cetus Street to Gurdwara Road or, as a second choice Khalsa Road, with a view to deciding whether or not to initiate the standard process for such requests. It is further recommended that, if Planning Committee decides to proceed, a date, time, place and method of notification for a public hearing by the Street: Name Change Committee be established,

‘The Department has been request the Chairman of Planning Committee to place this item on the Agenda. The letter from the Ottawa Sikh Society, a copy of which is attached hereto, contains the reasons for the request to change the name of Cetus Street to Gurdwara Road, or as a second choice Khalsa Road,

Mr. Campfield then presented a brief explanation of the process involved in the consideration of a street name change proposal including notification requirements for a public hearing of the Street name Change Committee.

Dr. Bath, speaking on behalf of the Sikh Society, then made a brief presentation on half of his organization.

Following the presentation Alderman Reid moved the recommendation to initiate the Street ‘Name Change Committee process and to schedule and advertise a public hearing at the earlier opportunity, The recommendation was unanimously carried:

Article extracted from this publication >> January 31, 1986