CANDIGARH, India: No one including Prof. Darshan Singh knows the fate of his resignation from the office of acting Jathedar of Akal Takht. Prof. Ragi told the pressmen that he has no official word about the acceptance or rejection of his resignation. He said that neither the S.G.P.C. has communicated any resolution to him, nor any official of the S.G.P.C. has personally met him to convey their decision. The ex Jathedar said that he has read these decisions in the newspapers. He maintained that even the press reports were confusing. It was not clear if at all the subject came up for discussion.

Mr. Harinder Singh, the acting President of S.G.P.C. has told that the resignation of Prof. Ragi has been rejected and he has been told to resume his duties. The S.G.P.C. circles are upset at the categorical statement of Harinder Singh.

These circles maintained that the issue came up for discussion at the Opening of the meeting and no final decision was taken. Most of the time only the routine agenda concerning affairs of the various Gurdwaras was discussed,

Mr. Harinder Singh, the acting President of the S.G.P.C. had told

The pressmen that the resignation of Prof. Darshan Singh was turned. Down by the executive committee of the S.G.P.C. Harinder Singh it must be recorded, did not volunteer the information. He left the town himself leaving the task of spreading this news to someone else who claimed to be his spokesman. The question of accepting or rejecting his resignation has assumed the value of academic interests as observed by some political analysts. According to these circles, the S.G.P.C. is not in a position to assert its authority in the Complex. These circles state that the Golden Temple Complex is totally under the control of freedom fighters and they will not allow him (Prof. Darshan Singh) to return to the Complex.

In any case, Prof, Ragi has made it clear, many a time, that he will not go back to Akal Takht under any circumstances.

He has already rejected the appeals made to him by U.A.D. and S.G.P.C. Under these circumstances, the choices are limited with S.G.P.C. The S.G.P.C. is reluctant to accept the resignation of the acting Chief of Akal Takht as they know that they are not in a position to propose the name of any person of their choice for that Post.

Article extracted from this publication >> January 8, 1988