NEW DELHI(PTI): Both precious metals silver and gold firmed up on the bullion market June 26 following revival of brisk local and stockiest buying at lower levels.

The volume of business was moderate.

Silver .999 ready strengthened by Rs 30 to RS.5900 on increased Stockiest buying while its coins held steady at RS. 7950/8000.

Standard gold and moments recovered by Rs 10 each to Rs 4430 and Rs 4280 per 10 grams respectively on fresh local demand.

However, sovereign, remained quiet at R5.3400 on little support.

The following were Saturday’s quotations: Silver 999 ready 5900,

Silver coins buyers 7950 and sellers 8000,

Standard gold 4430 ornaments 4280 and sovereign 3400.

Article extracted from this publication >>July 2, 1993