SAN FRANCISCO: On Feb.10, 93, director asylum office of the Immigration & Naturalization Service granted asylum to Daljit Arora of Ludhiana, Punjab, who claimed torture at the hands of the Punjab police for her role under the flag of All India Sikh Student Federation, because of her political opinion and active participation by peaceful manners to achieve independence from India. She claimed to have been associated with the AISSF since 1980. She was arrested in June 1991. She was placed in a closed cell.
Mistreated, rebuked and severely beaten. Again in January 1992 she was incarcerated and molested by a S.P. She was told that she would be given immunity if she signed a declaration not to report to any higher authorities and further denounce Khalistan. She refused.
The asylum director was convinced and determined that she has established a well-founded fear of persecution upon return to her homeland. She was represented by Mohinder Singh, of Lafayette California.
Article extracted from this publication >> February 26, 1993