TORONTO: According to a press Release, the Punjab Human Rights Organization (PHRO), a non-patty body based in India has as its chairman Justice A. Bains and President Justice C.S. Tiwana both former judges of Punjab and Haryana High Court. The PHRO established its Canadian Branch, calling upon all the organizations and sociopolitical groups in North America to extend their help to the PHRO network.
An Executive Committee of twenty one members was formed on ad hoc basis at a meeting convened by DS. Gill, General Secretary of PHRO, who is on an official tour of Canada. The meeting held at Queen’s Park, Legislative Building of the Province of Ontario, was attended by more than forty (40) members. Honorable Richard Allen, Member of Provincial Parliament (M.P.P.) of the New Democratic Party and Ms. Monica Woodley, Community Relations Assistant to Bob Rae, Opposition leader of New Democrats, was present at the meeting as observers.
Dr. Onkar Singh Atwal, Dilawar Singh Tiwana LL.B and Dr. Surjit Singh were appointed as President and Vice President respectively. The other office bearers are: Nazar Singh Chahal, Secretary, Paramjit Singh Saini, Joint Secretary, Gurdev Singh Gill, Coordinator (Organization).
Mrs. Lise Chawla as Coordinator (lobby) Alice Basarke and Japinder Singh have also been taken into the executive committee from Ottawa. They will coordinate PHRO activities with the parliamentarians and other human rights organizations in the national capital.
Yet another coordinator will be appointed in a few days from Ottawa who would coordinate PHRO activities with the parliamentarians and other human rights organizations in the national capital.
The General Secretary of the PHRO, Gill in a statement issued Sept 24 urged all the sociopolitical organizations in North America, especially of the Sikhs to extend their full cooperation to the PHRO network while in reciprocity, the PHRO Branches overseas are committed to create liaison and coordination with all the relevant organizations in order to share information on the human rights violations.
Article extracted from this publication >> September 29, 1989