NEW DELHI: Sardar Patel’s grandson says that his family had all but decided to refuse the Bharat Ratna being conferred upon his illustrious grandfather.

“The family was hurt by the fact that the country’s highest award was being cornered on Sardar Patel so late. It was also upset by the manner in which the ceremony ‘was planned.

“All of us felt that we should refuse the award”, says Mr. Vipin Patel, a retired executive who will receive the award on ‘behalf of his grandfather.’ “Then, we thought since the state had belatedly rectified its mistake, we should be gracious enough to accept it.”

The hurt, however, lingers. The Patels feel slighted that nether the stature nor the seniority of Sardar was honored when the ‘award ceremony was planned

The official government spokesman had said earlier in the day that the convenience of the President, the Prime Minister and the recipient had been taken into account before the date of the ceremony was fixed. Mr. Vipin Patel denies this completely. “We ‘were not consulted even once,” he says. “On July 3 we just got a letter telling us that the ceremony had been planned for July 12,” He had unofficially heard of this from Mr. Gopal Gandhi, his friend and the Mahatma’s grandson.

“The officials  old us that the ceremonies for Sardar and Mr. Rajiv Gandhi had to be held separately.  In a way I am glad this is being done,” he says, without elaborating. “Then, after a pause, he adds, “but even if the awards were not being given simultaneously, I think Sardar should have got his first I for no other reason than simply because of seniority.”

All things considered, says Mr. Patel, it ‘would not have mattered even if the award had not been conferred, “The entire nation is a tribute to Sardar. But for him it would not have been there. And but for him, the Nehru Gandhi dynasty would not have been anywhere.” The government and Doordarshan have given to Mr. Rajiv Gandhi’s award and his family amuses him, “Ultimately all of us get the government we deserve,” he says.

The family plan to set up a small trust it will be a small personal homage to the man, that the nation has always honored and the ‘government is honoring only now.

AHMEDABAD: The conferment of the nation’s highest civilian honor to Sardar Pateth as brought no happiness to his oldest existing relative, Chimanbhai Narsinhbhai Patel as he strongly feels that it’s not only ata wrong time but also insulting that he has been conferred the award along with the former slain prime minister Mr Rajiv Gandhi. (Patel was the minister in Nehn’s Cabinet who issued the infamous circular which said that “Sikhs were a Criminal tribe”. Ed WSN).

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