
I was happy to learn that you were publishing a weekly newspaper under the name and style of World Sikh News. A copy of the last issue was handed over to me at the G.N.F. Gurdwara near Washington last Sunday. My attention was drawn to a letter to the editor by one Dr. S.Singh whose address was not mentioned. I read with utter disbelief. Every reference mine about this humble servant of the Panth was inaccurate, malicious and an exercise in character assassination.

I am not Partap Gill. I do not use any surname, I never met “Hardev” the Guru of Nirankaris. I have persistently opposed that deviationist sect in writing and my talks, I know Capt. Amrindr Singh of Patiala. I wrote a strong rejoinder to his article about Our Heritage. The Sikh Review published both these side by side a few months ago. I suggest you peruse them.

After “Blue Star” I became one of the staunchest opponents of the Indian Government. Organized ex-servicemen’s forum for mobilizing them against state oppression. As President of Bharat Mukti Morcha (Punjab), I used that National platform for promoting the Sikh cause through seminars, articles and press notes, I also wrote a booklet entitled “Genesis and Solution of the Punjab problem-The Sikh Case”, poth in English and Punjabi which created a tremendous effect throughout the country, PM flaunted it in the Parliament, and the media criticized or lauded it. There, were debates on the controlled Door-Darshan.

In June 1989 I launched Movement against State Repression along with Justice Ajit Singh Bains, and Sardar Inderjit Singh Jaijee MLA which has done Herculean work in opposing and protesting against state oppression, At S. Simranjit Singh’s request, I became a member of the working committee of Akali Dal (Mann). Sponsored resolution on Self Determination for the Sikhs, which became the political goal of the Party in supersession of the Anand Pur Sahib Resolution. This was subsequently adopted by the other factions, i.c., Badal and Longowal, when they all merged into a single Shiromni Akali Dal at the last Jor Mela, Fateh Garh Sahib.

I resigned from that party on March 14, 1991, when it became certain that the Akali leadership was dithering on the objective of achieving “Khalistan”. On May 15,1991 I floated the “Khalsa Raj Party’ (KRP). Within a couple of days of this announcement, I was charged under various sections of the IPC, Viz, treason, sedition, inflammatory speeches, and writings. I went to the court, for prepares bail. On the third hearing on June 14, the Government lodged another FIR under T.A.D.A., which means no bail. Even the High Court has no jurisdiction under this blackest of the black laws. I was directed to surrender my Passport. The subsequent hearing was on July.24, before which my Lawyers, friends, and well-wishers of the Panth prevailed upon me to leave the country for the time being, as indefinite incarceration would thwart the movement. I spent a few days with Dr. Gurmeet Singh Aulakh , co-convener of the Khalsa Raj Party, before coming to the West coast.

I have given a brief outline of my activities to dispel any doubts on my bonfires in view of deliberate or negligent disinformation.

Incidentally I had taken premature retirement from the Army at age45, and successfully promoted many manufacturing and trading enterprises. My political activities have resulted in disruption of family life and business. In all humility 1 like to place on record that I  am considered as about the most successful ex-defense officer who have entered business in North India. If 1 am a loser who would you classify a winner! Dr. S.Singh, would be well advised before trotting out his motivated/ biased opinion about some body, Likewise it is the primary duty of the editorial staff to carry out objective investigation before publishing matter which impinge on the character of some individual.

Now that destiny has brought me to this great Nation, my primary objectives are to make my Sikh brethren aware of the ground realities in Punjab and India; and to explain to them that the Indian State has left us no option except the creation of an Independent, and Sovereign Sikh Homeland. It will also be my endeavor to bring about unity among the Sikh leaders, who I regrettably find, are prone to unwarranted squabbles like the goings on back home. In this noble cause your paper can play a positive role.

I shall be staying here till July 17, and will be happy to meet you if you happen to visit Los Angeles,


 Singh West Hills,CA

Article extracted from this publication >> July 12, 1991